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WITSA to Convene Global Tech Leaders at the 28th World Congress on Innovation and Technology (WCIT) 2024 in Armenia

May 23, 2024

Virginia, USA – May 23, 2024 – The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is excited to announce the 28th World Congress on Innovation and Technology (WCIT) 2024, scheduled for October 4-7, 2024 in Yerevan, Armenia. This year’s theme, “The Power of Mind: AI Beyond Limits, Within Ethics” is set to transform the  gathering into a seminal platform for global technology leaders, innovators, policy makers and entrepreneurs to influence the discourse on technological innovation within ethical boundaries. 

WITSA Chairman Dato’ Dr. Sean Seah highlighted, “WCIT 2024 in Armenia is a unique opportunity to bring together the brightest minds in technology from across the globe. With Armenia emerging as a significant tech hub, the congress will provide a platform for our members to witness firsthand the innovations in AI and other cutting-edge technologies that are shaping our future.” 

This year’s WCIT 2024 will convene alongside DigiTec, the region’s largest annual event dedicated to innovation and technology. 

Armenia’s rapidly growing tech ecosystem, bolstered by supportive government policies and a vibrant startup culture, makes it an ideal location for WCIT 2024. The event will provide unparalleled opportunities for networking, collaboration, and showcasing the latest technological advancements, particularly in the realm of AI.

WITSA CEO Dato’ Dan E Khoo further emphasized, “Innovation flourishes  in environments where policy objectives align with voluntary, consensus-driven standardization. To foster the beneficial adoption of AI, regulatory frameworks should be flexible and supportive, ensuring  they do not stifle creativity or slow technological advancement. By adhering to key policy principles, we encourage the development of AI solutions that are both innovative and ethically sound. The theme of WCIT 2024 – Digitec provides the perfect backdrop for these important deliberations, highlighting the balance between innovation and ethics in tech and AI.”

WCIT 2024 – Digitec will also debut the  WITSA World Cup Global Finals featuring 32 teams from 16 countries. This unique platform provides a global stage for high-growth tech scaleups that are pre-Series A-funded and above, offering them the chance to compete for Global exposure, Funding opportunities, Direct access to industry leaders and Market-access through WITSA’s members. 

Venture capitalists, investors, sponsors, heads of government and leading tech  companies will also be looking for investment opportunities at the WITSA World Cup Global Finals and WCIT 2024 – Digitec.

“We look forward to welcoming delegates from around the world to Yerevan,” continued Dato’ Dr. Seah. “This is a pivotal moment for the global tech community to come together, share knowledge, and forge partnerships that will drive the future of technology.”

WCIT 2024 – DigiTec, organized in partnership with the Union of Advanced Technology Enterprises of Armenia (UATE) and the Government of the Republic of Armenia, promises to be an event of significant impact, fostering innovation, investment, and international collaboration.

Currently, the Business Pass Super Early Bird is available at USD499/person till June 1st, 2024. The regular price is USD1699 for the Business Pass.

The Business Pass Super Early Bird deal includes:

  • Congress 3-day passes
  • Access to WITSA World Cup
  • Lounge Pass
  • Airport Pick Up/ Drop Off service
  • WCIT 2024 <> Digitec unlimited ground transport services
  • Priority Entrance Pass
  • One seat at the WITSA Global Tech & Excellence Awards & Dinner
  • Discover Armenia Tour

More information on WCIT 2024 – Digitec, sponsorship opportunities and other ticket packages can be found at



About WITSA: The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is an alliance of tech industry associations from 80 countries and economies. WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in tech products and services; strengthening WITSA members’ national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.  WITSA’s signature platform, the World Congress on Innovation & Technology (WCIT), is the premier global industry sponsored tech gathering.


WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the tech industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA continuously strives to advance international public policies that foster the tech industry’s growth and development. With a focus on promoting industry cooperation and knowledge sharing, WITSA facilitates international trade and investment in tech products and services, contributing to the digital transformation of the global economy. WITSA makes it possible for its members — ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States — to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues. 


Contact person: Azlina Ishak-


Pioneering Global Innovation & Tech Market Expansion, WITSA World Cup Tournament Groupings Unveiled

March 13, 2024

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) proudly announced the Tournament Pools for the highly anticipated WITSA World Cup Tournament, poised to elevate the global tech landscape. This is the inaugural WITSA World Cup which is a unique tournament that transforms from a National to Global competition, starring the most promising tech scaleups from across 6 continents.

The journey to the WITSA World Cup Global Finals begins with National-level competitions with 16 WITSA Members showcasing their top two tech scaleups. The 32 national winners will then advance to the prestigious Global Finals, set to be hosted at the World Congress on Innovation and Technology (WCIT) 2024 in Yerevan, Armenia.

“At WITSA, we believe in fostering collaboration and innovation on a global scale,” said Dato’ Dr Sean Seah, Chairman of WITSA. “The WITSA World Cup serves as a catalyst for innovation, investment, and collaboration. It is a celebration of the best and brightest tech scaleups from around the world, with the potential to discover the next unicorn startup.”

The WITSA World Cup follows a pitching-style tournament, with national tournaments held by WITSA country members, advancing winners to compete for the prestigious WITSA World Cup title at the global finale at the 28th WCIT this October in Armenia.

The WITSA World Cup Tournament aims to foster global collaboration and networking among investors, government officials, industry leaders, and the most promising scaleups from WITSA members countries and economies. This collaboration has the potential to spur investments, create massive business deals, develop talent, generate new opportunities, and potentially unveil the world’s next unicorn.

“Partnering with the WITSA World Cup offers organizations a range of benefits, including attracting FDI, job creation, enhancing global recognition, showcasing thought leadership, and accessing a global network of collaborations,” according to Dato’ Dan E Khoo, CEO of WITSA. “It also provides a unique opportunity for the host city to shine in the spotlight of global attention.”

Meanwhile, participating scaleups can benefit from global exposure, funding opportunities, and access to decision-makers as this premier global tournament serves as a catalyst for innovation, investment, and collaboration, propelling the growth of the global tech ecosystem.   

Key highlights of the WITSA World Cup Tournament include:

  • Connecting Global Tech Leaders: Facilitating interactions between technology visionaries, investors, accelerators, and corporate users with leading tech scaleups across six continents.
  • Providing Global Exposure: Offering a platform for participating scaleups to gain exposure and access international markets.
  • Hosting a Pitching Style Tournament at the National Level: Elevating the nation’s top tech scaleups and funneling national winners into the WITSA World Cup global finale.
  • Discovering the World’s Next Unicorn: Identifying and supporting pre-Series A and higher scaleups on the verge of growth acceleration, fundraising, and market expansion.
  • Fostering Collaboration: Connecting investors, government leaders, and tech associations to promote global collaboration, networking, and support in the form of funding and prizes.

The WITSA World Cup Tournament will be a transformative international platform shaping the future of the global tech landscape! The inaugural WITSA World Cup Tournament is participated by teams from Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Bahrain, Brazil, Taiwan, Egypt, Greece, Jordan, Malaysia, Moldova, Myanmar, Nepal, Romania, South Africa and USA.   

Below are the Tournament Pools for the WITSA World Cup Global Finals:

The random draw of participating countries  took place today at the AI Summit 2024 in Rio, that is organized by ASSESPRO RJ, with WITSA as its supporting partner. 

For more information about the WITSA World Cup Tournament, please visit

WITSA Chairman Dato’ Dr Sean Seah (4th from the left) and WITSA Deputy Chairman Robert Janssen (3rd from the left) with ASSESPRO RJ Members and WITSA CEO Dato’ Dan E Khoo (far right) at the WITSA World Cup Pool Draw, after Day 1 of the AI Summit 2024 in Rio on March 13.


About WITSA: The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is an alliance of tech industry associations from 80 countries and economies.   WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in tech products and services; strengthening WITSA members’ national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.  WITSA’s signature platform, the World Congress on Innovation & Technology (WCIT), is the premier global industry sponsored tech conference.

WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the tech industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA continuously strives to advance international public policies that foster the tech industry’s growth and development. With a focus on promoting industry cooperation and knowledge sharing, WITSA facilitates international trade and investment in tech products and services, contributing to the digital transformation of the global economy. WITSA makes it possible for its members — ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States — to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues. 

Contact: Dato’ Dan E Khoo +601 (2650) 8392

Contact person: Azlina Ishak-


Inițiativa ce riscă să distrugă cel mai competitiv domeniu al economiei Românești!

“România – al treilea mare furnizor, din Uniunea Europeană, de servicii IT in Singapore”      Klaus Iohannis

Bucuresti, 08 Aplilie, 2023 – Asociația pentru Tehnologia Informației și Comunicații (ATIC) atrage atenţia asupra efectelor negative generate de punerea in practică a iniţiativei de eliminare a facilitaţii fiscale pentru domeniul IT.

O creștere de costuri va afecta și efortul de digitalizare a României și se va distruge cel mai PERFORMANT sector economic al economiei naţionale!

Ce uită decidenţii din România:

-Orice Strategie Naţională se bazează pe priorităţi; domeniile prioritare se stimulează prin instrumente fiscale și/sau financiare;

-Balanţa export-import trebuie sa tindă catre valori pozitive;

-Nivelul de dezvoltare al unei ţari este dat de nivelul exportului de valoare adaugată;

-Industria IT din România acționează în special pentru export – piața internă fiind foarte îngustă;

Un calcul elementar arată că impunerea unui prag (10.000 lei) peste care să se introducă impozitul pe venit, va crea confuzie prin faptul că salariaţii cu un salariu BRUT mai mare vor ajunge sa aibă un salariu NET, chiar si cu 600 lei, mai mic decât colegii lor incadraţi sub pragul impus.

Evaluarea derulată în cadrul membrilor ATIC arată că acestă iniţiativă ar conduce la un efort, suplimentar, al firmelor IT de cel puțin 10% în creșterea costurilor, dar și o pierdere a salariaților, știut fiind ca resursele umane în IT sunt foarte „volatile”.

În condiţiile în care întreaga omenire se confruntă cu o lipsa acută (shortage in IT professionals), specialiștii pot pleca foarte uşor în alte ţări sau pot lucra „remote” urmând să primească retribuția în orice bancă din lume.

Reamintim că Industria de software și servicii IT:

– în PIB-ul național a ajuns la 8,2% în primul trimestru din 2023, semnificativ peste media zonei euro, de 4,8%, conform datelor Eurostat;

– a avut cea mai bună dinamică în ultimii ani în anul 2022, fiind mult peste creșterea PIB;

– reprezintă a doua cea mai mare contribuție la exporturile totale de servicii ale României, cu o creștere a valorii exporturilor din domeniul IT&servicii de 2,5 ori în ultimii 5 ani;

– are o rată de creștere anuală de peste 15%, de trei ori mai rapidă decât media națională;

– a avut o dublare a numărului de angajați în ultimii 6 ani, conform INS.

Despre Asociația pentru Tehnologia Informației și Comunicații (ATIC):

Infiinţată înca din anul 1991, ATIC este prima asociaţie de IT din România si reprezintă România în cale mai importante organizaţii internaţionale de profil: WITSA – World Information Technology and Services Alliance; CEPIS – Council of European Informatics Societies; IT STAR – regional Association on information technology in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe si detine licenta ECDL pentru România

Contact: Alin NIȚĂ – Președinte al Asociației pentru Tehnologia Informației și Comunicații (ATIC)



Asociația pentru Tehnologia Informației și Comunicații din România (ATIC) anunță schimbări la nivelul conducerii sale

Comunicat de presa


În cadrul adunării generale desfășurate pe data de 23 iunie 2023, președintele în funcție, prof. dr. Vasile Baltac, a anunțat retragerea sa din această poziție de conducere.

Profesorul Vasile Baltac a condus ATIC timp de peste trei decenii, timp în care și-a adus o contribuție semnificativă la dezvoltarea industriei IT din România și la consolidarea reputației țării noastre pe plan internațional. În recunoașterea eforturilor sale remarcabile, dr. Vasile Baltac a fost ales președinte al CEPIS, asociația europeană a profesioniștilor IT, și vicepreședinte al WITSA, alianța mondială a asociațiilor profesionale din domeniu.

Conform statutului ATIC, profesorul Vasile Baltac devine președinte de onoare al asociației și decanul Forumului ATIC, rămânând astfel implicat în activitățile organizației și contribuind în continuare la evoluția industriei IT.

În urma retragerii din funcție a președintelui Vasile Baltac, adunarea generală l-a ales pe domnul Alin Niță, un profesionist recunoscut în domeniul tehnologiilor informației și comunicațiilor, în această poziție.

Domnul Niță este director general al firmei FivePlus Solutions și s-a remarcat ca promotor activ al dezvoltării domeniului digital în România.

Asociația pentru Tehnologia Informației și Comunicații din România (ATIC) este cea mai veche asociație IT din țară și își propune să faciliteze schimbul de informații, colaborarea și cooperarea între membri. Scopul fundamental al ATIC este de a sprijini și onora creativitatea în domeniul IT, respectând în același timp legile și promovând utilizarea eficientă și profesională a noilor descoperiri științifice.

ATIC va continua să fie o forță influentă în dezvoltarea industriei IT din România, promovând inovația, colaborarea și oportunitățile de creștere în acest sector vital al economiei naționale. Noua conducere, sub îndrumarea președintelui Alin Niță, va căuta să consolideze și mai mult poziția României ca hub IT regional și să promoveze avantajele și oportunitățile oferite de tehnologia informației și comunicațiilor.

Pentru mai multe informații despre Asociația pentru Tehnologia Informației și Comunicații din România (ATIC) și activitățile sale, vă rugăm să accesați website-ul oficial al asociației la adresa


WITSA Joins Global Industry Coalition; Urges G7 to Advance Data Free Flow With Trust

Press Release


Fairfax, VA:  The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) and a global coalition of 35 industry and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from Canada, Europe, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, among others, have signed onto a joint statement voicing their support for the G7’s efforts to promote Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT).

Ahead of the upcoming G7 Summit in Hiroshima, the Global Data Alliance has convened a cross-sector group of 35 industry associations and NGOs urging G7 leaders to support DFFT – an initiative first proposed by Japan in 2019 to promote digital trust and the ability to transfer data across transnational digital networks.

The 35 organizations are urging G7 Parties to support international legal norms and best practices on cross-border data. In particular, governments should not use data transfer rules to discriminate against non-nationals and ensure that when such rules are needed, they are narrowly framed. The Global Industry Statement also puts forward several concrete DFFT work proposals, noting:

  • “We … urge G7 Parties to explore concrete approaches to advancing DFFT. These should include: (a) aligning their own data transfer policies across economies and with international standards; (b) promoting and strengthening cross-border data interoperability mechanisms, such as the Global Cross-Border Privacy Rules Forum; (c) analyzing the importance of data transfers – and the costs of restrictions – in key sectors; and (d) collectively supporting the OECD Declaration on Government Access to Personal Data Held by Private Sector Entities.”

 “In today’s global economy, consumers, regulators, and businesses all benefit from a constant stream of data flowing seamlessly back and forth across national borders,” stated WITSA Chairman Dr. Sean Seah.

“Businesses use data to create valuable products and services, enhance productivity, reduce costs, improve efficiency, deter fraud, protect consumers, and foster economic growth and jobs,” said WITSA CEO Dato’ Dan E Khoo. “To secure these benefits, it is essential to have clear, consistent rules in place that allow for the unimpeded flow of data except as limited to legitimate public policy objectives.” In general, National Security, Data Privacy etc. should not be used as a lever to restrict data flows, and mandate data localization.

 WITSA strongly supports Japan’s leadership on DFFT. Cross-border data transfers support efforts to address challenges relating to cybersecurity, digital transformation, climate change, financial inclusion, public health, privacy, and digital trade. WITSA and its industry partners are urging the G7 to support a public-private commitment to digital trust, where governments do not limit data transfers for protectionist purposes or through measures that are more restrictive than necessary. The private sector should build trust by adhering to high standards of digital responsibility, including through the adoption of strong internal controls regarding cybersecurity, data security, financial transparency, and regulatory compliance.

WITSA has an established policy advocating against restrictions of the free flow of information across borders in its data flows paper, calling ‘data’ an essential resource for healthy economic growth and warning that that excessive restrictions on the flow of data hinders the barrier to secure management and protection of data.

Read the multi-industry statement in full here. The press release is also available on the WITSA Website.

About WITSA:

The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the leading recognized international voice of the global digital technology industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world tech market. WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in digital technology products and services; strengthening WITSA’s national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.

WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the digital technology industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members – ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States – to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues. For more information on WITSA, please visit


Huawei Signs as WCIT 2023 Platinum Partner with Sponsorship Value of USD1.5 million

Press Release


Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia: The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) and the Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation (SDEC), the host organizer of its global catalytic platform, the World Congress on Innovation and Technology (WCIT), today announced Huawei as the first International Platinum Sponsor valued at USD1.5 million, the single largest sponsor in recent WCIT history. This announcement was made after WCIT 2023’s Organizing Committee meeting chaired by The Honorable Datuk Amar Mohamad Abu Bakar Marzuki, the State Secretary of Sarawak.

Dr Sean Seah, Chairman of WITSA said, “We are very proud to have Huawei on board. This is testament that Huawei sees the value that the World Congress of Innovation and Technology can bring. We are in discussion with a few other international companies that are keen to come on board as partners and will share more details in due time. We have also received positive interests from several parties that are considering participation as country pavilions at WCIT 2023. We have received delegate bookings from 20 countries and expect more interest in the next coming months.” 

State Secretary of Sarawak, Datuk Amar Mohamad Abu Bakar Marzuki said Sarawak is actively developing its digital economy and offers opportunities for investment in ecommerce, digital infrastructure and digital startups. All these initiatives have expanded Sarawak as the gateway into Southeast Asia especially now that all international borders have opened and businesses are rapidly expanding. 

According to SDEC Chairman, Tan Sri Datuk Amar Haji Mohamad Morshidi Abdul Ghani, “We are very proud to be the host organizer of WCIT 2023, working alongside PIKOM as Host Association. WCIT, reputed as the largest tech global congress in the world, will bring focus into Sarawak’s economic benefits, complimenting our Post Covid-19 Development Strategy (PCDS). We are expecting WCIT 2023 to be the grandest tech congregation with the inclusion of IDECS and Sarawak’s 60th Year Anniversary.” 

Dato’ Dan E Khoo, CEO of WITSA said, “WCIT 2023 is poised to leverage WITSA’s global footprint and Sarawak’s rapid economic growth to catalyze transformational innovations and technology that leave a lasting impact on its key stakeholders. We are anticipating opportunities to connect Sarawak tech firms and startup entrepreneurs to their global counterparts and showcase the vibrant tech ecosystem to potential tech investors.” 

Amongst the hot topics that will be staged at WCIT 2023 are the Age of AI, Future Trends in Innovation, Looking Beyond Sustainability and Strengthening Tech Talents. WCIT 2023 is expected to welcome 4,000 attendees and will feature IDECs and other satellite events this October. To register as a delegate, become a sponsor or participate as an exhibitor, go to



The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the leading recognized international voice of the global tech industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world tech market.  WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in tech products and services; strengthening WITSA’s national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.  WITSA hosts the World Congress on Innovation and Technology (WCIT), the premier global industry sponsored tech conference.

WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the tech industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members — ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States — to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues.

See it online!


WITSA Extends Deepest Condolences to Earthquake Victims and Affected Communities in Turkey and Syria

Press Release

February 7, 2023

Contact: Dato’ Dan E Khoo +60 12 (650) 8392

WITSA Extends Deepest Condolences to Earthquake Victims and Affected Communities in Turkey and Syria

Virginia, USA: The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) extends its deepest condolences to the people of Turkiye and Syria on the devastating losses suffered by the victims of the Kahramanmaras earthquake.

“We are deeply saddened to learn about the earthquake disaster that has affected so many people. Our hearts go out to the victims, their families, and the communities that have been impacted by this tragedy,” said WITSA Chairman Dr. Sean Seah.

“During this extremely difficult time, we express our deepest condolences to our affected WITSA members Informatics Industry Association of Turkey (TÜBISAD) and the Syrian Computer Society (SCS) and we stand in solidarity with them. 

“At times like these, it is important to come together and support each other in whatever way we can. We appeal to our friends, families and colleagues in the global WITSA community to donate to reliable organizations that are providing relief and aid to victims of the earthquake,” Dr. Seah added. 

WITSA encourages technology companies with systems and expertise in Search and Rescue to step forward and aid in the missions currently underway in the affected Kahramanmaras region. WITSA is inspired by the courage of first responders, health workers, and volunteers who have been working tirelessly to provide assistance to those in need. 

WITSA is the leading recognized international voice of the global tech industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world tech market.  WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues.


The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the leading recognized international voice of the global tech industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world tech market.  WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in tech products and services; strengthening WITSA’s national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.  WITSA hosts the World Congress on Innovation and Technology (WCIT), the premier global industry sponsored tech conference.

WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the tech industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members — ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States — to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues.


WITSA Members and Global Technology Leaders to Participate in the World Congress on Innovation and Technology (WCIT) 2023

Press Release


Kuching, Sarawak: The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) yesterday welcomed the unveiling of the official logo of the World Congress on Innovation and Technology 2023 (WCIT 2023) which will take place on October 4 – 6, 2023 in Kuching, Sarawak.
Officiated by the Premier of Sarawak The Right Honourable Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari Bin Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg, the event also saw the announcement of key partners that are joining the effort to organize the 27th edition of WCIT that was first staged in 1978. The WCIT 2023 logo features the following description:
● The Tree of Life that symbolises Sarawak’s evolution of modernity and interconnection to the global discourse.
● The Rhinoceros Hornbill symbolizes the value of power and strength of Sarawak
● Three Stripes Globe represents sustainability, innovation and economic prosperity
● Colours Green and Blue represent the intersection of nature and digital technology, to be digitally and innovatively forward, while being sustainable.
At the launch, the Premier of Sarawak highlighted the role of innovation in advancing the new economy through applications such as algae as a source of energy, data and AI in disrupting conventional means of production. He hoped WCIT 2023 would bring to Sarawak new innovations, data and technology to impact the energy industry, the circular economy and digital transformation.
A signature event of WITSA, WCIT 2023 is the premier event for the global tech industry, bringing together leaders, experts and stakeholders to discuss, deliberate and challenge the latest tech and innovation trends. The congress will feature keynote speakers, panel discussions, workshops and networking opportunities with delegates from around the world.

WITSA aims to bring its member economies and global tech leaders to attend WCIT 2023 to experience the diverse and exotic culture as well as take advantage of all the investment and business opportunities that Sarawak, Malaysia and the broader ASEAN economies have to offer.
WITSA Chairman Dr Sean Seah said, “WITSA is the leading recognized voice of the global tech industry which is the key driver of global economic growth. This is a unique opportunity for WITSA members to participate in WCIT 2023 and contribute to shaping the future of the global tech industry. Delegates from around the world will experience the diverse and exotic culture while fostering collaboration in various technology, innovation and business sectors.”
WITSA CEO Dato’ Dan E Khoo added, “With the host organizers’ aims to leverage innovation and technology for prosperity, inclusivity and sustainability, WCIT 2023 is set to be the catalyst that sparks idea generation, investment opportunities, business insights, policy action recommendations, delightful tech experiences, serendipitous discovery and partner-talent recruitment possibilities in pursuit of a sustainable future for the tech industry.”
WCIT is unique in its global perspective on fulfilling the promise of the digital age and its ability to draw users, providers, media and academia from around the world to focus on technology for societal good. In addition, global business, government and academic leaders discuss emerging markets, legal and policy issues, political and economic trends,
emerging technologies, tech user perspectives and business opportunities in the global marketplace.
This premier global tech congress brings together more than 2,000 global leaders in business, government and academia from over 80 countries to impact economic and social development through the exchange of policies, practices, trends and ideas on tech.
WCIT 2023 is hosted by the Sarawak Government, organized by the Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation Berhad, co-hosted by the Sarawak Multimedia Authority and Sarawak Information Systems Sdn Bhd (SAINS), with The National Tech Association of Malaysia (PIKOM) as the Host Association. For more information and to participate, go to

WITSA aims to bring its member economies and global tech leaders to attend WCIT 2023 to experience the diverse and exotic culture as well as take advantage of all the investment and business opportunities that Sarawak, Malaysia and the broader ASEAN economies have to offer.
WITSA Chairman Dr Sean Seah said, “WITSA is the leading recognized voice of the global tech industry which is the key driver of global economic growth. This is a unique opportunity for WITSA members to participate in WCIT 2023 and contribute to shaping the future of the global tech industry. Delegates from around the world will experience
the diverse and exotic culture while fostering collaboration in various technology, innovation and business sectors.”
WITSA CEO Dato’ Dan E Khoo added, “With the host organizers’ aims to leverage innovation and technology for prosperity, inclusivity and sustainability, WCIT 2023 is set to be the catalyst that sparks idea generation, investment opportunities, business insights, policy action recommendations, delightful tech experiences, serendipitous discovery and partner-talent recruitment possibilities in pursuit of a sustainable future for the tech industry.”
WCIT is unique in its global perspective on fulfilling the promise of the digital age and its ability to draw users, providers, media and academia from around the world to focus on technology for societal good. In addition, global business, government and academic leaders discuss emerging markets, legal and policy issues, political and economic trends, emerging technologies, tech user perspectives and business opportunities in the global marketplace.
This premier global tech congress brings together more than 2,000 global leaders in business, government and academia from over 80 countries to impact economic and social development through the exchange of policies, practices, trends and ideas on tech.
WCIT 2023 is hosted by the Sarawak Government, organized by the Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation Berhad, co-hosted by the Sarawak Multimedia Authority and Sarawak Information Systems Sdn Bhd (SAINS), with The National Tech Association of Malaysia (PIKOM) as the Host Association. For more information and to participate go to

Launch of WCIT 2023 Logo by the Premier of Sarawak The Right Honourable Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari Bin Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg

WITSA Chairman, Dr Sean Seah handing over the WCIT Crystal Plaque to the Sarawak Premier at the Launch of the WCIT 2023 Logo

The World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the leading recognized international voice of the global ICT industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world ICT market. WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in ICT products and services; strengthening WITSA’s national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts. WITSA hosts the World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT), the premier global industry sponsored ICT conference.
WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the ICT industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members — ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States — to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues.


WITSA Welcomes New Member: Somalia Association for Information Communication Technology (SAFICT)

Press Release

November 15, 2022

Fairfax, Virginia: At its Board of Directors meetings on November 8, 2022, the World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) unanimously approved a membership application from the Somalia Association for Information Communication Technology (SAFICT). SAFICT is a private, independent and not-for-profit association which promotes know-how, tech-based solutions, cooperation and mutual support among Somalian tech companies and seeks to build Somalia as a technology powerhouse in Africa. SAFICT promotes the development of Somalia’s tech Industry while protecting the members’ rights and lobbying on important issues. Established in April 2020, SAFICT’s mission is to help grow its digital industry to become the essential sector contributing to Somalia’s economic recovery and growth and to elevate member expertise and collective interests of the member companies while upholding universal values.

“I am delighted to welcome SAFICT to WITSA’s vast network of industry associations, spanning 80 countries and economies and representing more than 90 percent of the global tech market,” stated WITSA Chairman Sean Seah. “I am looking forward to working with SAFICT to grow our global digital alliance and to position digital technology and the digital economy as the new strategic pillar for our global community, fulfilling the promise of the Digital Age for everyone,” continued Dr. Seah. “Together, we will promote the value of digital transformation as the key catalyst for economic growth and social prosperity, promote greater international cooperation, drive awareness of the competitive advantage of the digital technology industry, and strengthen WITSA’s role in the development of technology-related international public policy.”

“I am very delighted to have Somalia NGO join the MENA region, which I am sure it will be contributing to WITSA’s vision of Fulfilling the Promise of the Digital Age as well as the theme of WCIT 2023 in Sarawak, Malaysia,” stated WITSA’s Vice Chairman for Middle East and North America, Eng. Tarek Abd-elmonem Taha. “It will also bring about the benefits of digital technology to children, citizens, governments, education, science, healthcare, the environment, industries and societies as well as nearly every aspect of life in Somalia,” continued Eng. Taha.

“We are happy to formally join the global voice of the ICT industry; our organization is dedicated to contributing to the local technology capacity by exploring the latest technology innovation, and by becoming a member of WITSA, we can draw from our global partners,” Stated SAFICT President Ibrahim Noor. “We are committed to working with WITSA on upholding the universal values for the ICT industry and localizing the global voice of ICT, facilitating our partners and members in connecting with globally like-minded organizations.”

WITSA Chief Executive Officer Dato’ Dan E Khoo lauded SAFICT’s entry into the WITSA global community and said it was proof of the tremendous reach of the innovation and technology industry. “SAFICT’s membership expands WITSA’s global footprint and helps us in our mission to fulfill the promise of the digital age,” stated Dato’ Khoo. “Together, we are stronger and our global voice reaches further whether we drive, facilitate or advocate for policies and actions that help technology bring about societal good,” he added.

Learn more about SAFICT at:

See it on the WITSA Website here!


The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the leading recognized international voice of the global ICT industry, whose members from 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world ICT market.  WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in ICT products and services; strengthening WITSA’s national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.

WITSA hosts the World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT), the premier global industry sponsored ICT conference.

WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the ICT industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members — ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States — to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues.

For more information on WITSA, please visit


WITSA Elects New Officers for the 2020-2022 Term

Press Release

November 10, 2022

Fairfax, Virginia: At its Board of Directors meetings on November 8, 2022, the World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) voted in several new officers. The officers approved completes the slate of WITSA officers for the 2022-2024 term.

Mr. Hemant Kumar Chaurasia was elected WITSA Treasurer. As Treasurer, Mr. Chaurasia will supervise and be responsible for all the funds and securities of the Corporation; the deposit of all money and other valuables to the credit of the Corporation in depositories of the Corporation; borrowings and compliance with the provisions of all indentures, agreements and instruments governing such borrowings to which the Corporation is a party; the disbursement of funds of the Corporation and the investment of its funds; and in general shall perform all of the duties incident to the office of the Treasurer.

WITSA also elected three new Regional Vice Chairmen, who will be WITSA’s front-line representatives in their respective regions as well as conduits for new members joining WITSA: Engr. Tarek Abd-elmonem Taha of the Egyptian Association for Information & Communication Technology (EiTESAL) for Middle East and North Africa; Mr. Zoran Lazarevski of ICT the Chamber of Commerce of Republic of North Macedonia (MASIT) for Europe (Non-EU/EEA); and Engr. Subrata Sarker of Bangladesh Computer Samity (BCS) for Asia Pacific.

Mr. Alexander Mora of the Costa Rican Chamber of Information and Communication Technologies (CAMTIC) will chair the WITSA Strategic Planning Committee, which is responsible for increasing the global brand of WITSA as the Voice of the Global Tech Industry, contributing to WITSA’s long-term sustainability, establishing and implementing strategies for WITSA increase its relevant and valuable to WITSA members around the world.

Dr. Sean Seah of PIKOM, Malaysia, was re-elected as Chairman of WITSA’s Finance Committee, which is to oversee financial planning, prepare annual budgets for board approvals, financial management, ensure assets are protected, and the drafting of fiscal policies.

“On behalf of the WITSA Secretariat, I wish to congratulate the new WITSA Officers upon their successful election”, said CEO Dato’ Dan. E. Khoo. “We look forward to working with the new leadership to take WITSA to the next level”.

A list of all WITSA officers is provided below. WITSA also recently elected a new Chairman and Board of Directors for the 2022-2024 term. Please see that press release on the WITSA website at


Dr. Sean Seah, The National ICT Association of Malaysia (PIKOM)

WITSA Deputy Chairman

Mr. Robert Janssen (ASSESPRO, Brazil)


Mr. Hemant Kumar Chaurasia (CAN, Nepal)

WITSA Regional Vice Chairmen:

Regional Vice Chairman for Africa:

Mr. Roger Latchman (ITA, South Africa)

Regional Vice Chairman for Middle East and North Africa:

Eng. Tarek Abd-elmonem Taha (EITESAL, Egypt)

 egional Vice Chairman for Europe (EU & EEA):

Mr. Antonio Cimorra (AMETIC, Spain)

Regional Vice Chairman for Europe (Non-EU):

Mr. Zoran Lazarevski (MASIT, Republic of North Macedonia)

 Regional Vice Chairman for Latin America:

Mr. Alexander Mora (CAMTIC, Costa Rica)

 Regional Vice Chairman for the Caribbean:

Mr. John Kyle (Bermuda Chamber of Commerce)

 Regional Vice Chairman for Asia-Pacific:

Engr. Subrata Sarker (BCS, Bangladesh)

WITSA Committees

Finance Committee:

Mr. Sean Seah (PIKOM, Malaysia)

Global Policy Action Committee:

Mr. Doug Johnson (CTA, United States)

Committee on Education, Training and Human Resources:

Dr. Boris Komrakov (InfoPark, Belarus)

Nominating Committee:

Eng. Tarek Abd-elmonem Taha (EITESAL, Egypt)

Strategic Planning Committee:

Mr. Alexander Mora (CAMTIC, Costa Rica)

Business Development Committee:

Mr. Brian Shen (CISA, Taiwan)


The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the leading recognized international voice of the global ICT industry, whose members from 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world ICT market.  WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in ICT products and services; strengthening WITSA’s national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.

WITSA hosts the World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT), the premier global industry sponsored ICT conference.

WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the ICT industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members — ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States — to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues.

For more information on WITSA, please visit

See it on the WITSA Website here!


WITSA Announces Kuching, Sarawak as the Host of WCIT 2023
Olympics of tech industry to shine spotlight on innovation and technology for economic prosperity, social inclusivity and environmental sustainability


Penang, Malaysia: On the third day of the 2022 World Congress on Innovation and Technology (WCIT), the World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) announced that the City of Kuching, the capital and the most populous city in the state of Sarawak, Malaysia, was selected to host its 27th WCIT in the fourth quarter of 2023.

Malaysia will become only the second country in WITSA’s 44-year storied history to host a World Congress on Innovation and Technology more than twice, following the successful conclusion of WCIT 2022 in Penang, and WCIT 2008 in Kuala Lumpur, and will be the first in Asia to do so. Only the United States of America has been a four-time host, with San Francisco, California; Washington DC; Fairfax, Virginia; and Austin, Texas providing the stunning locations for the WCIT in 1980, 1990, 1998 and 2006 respectively.

“WITSA is the leading recognized voice of the global tech industry which is the key driver of global economic growth,” stated WITSA Chairman Dr. Sean Seah. “At our successfully concluded 2022 WCIT in Penang, there were more than 4,000 congress delegates from over 60 nations and economies. WCIT 2023 will further WITSA’s aspirations of fulfilling the promise of the digital age for everyone,” continued Dr. Seah, who is also PIKOM Chairman. “PIKOM is honored that the WITSA Board of Directors chose the Sarawak bid for WCIT 2023.”

At the Crystal Handover ceremony traditionally held to signify the transfer of the hosting rights from one stunning location to the next, WITSA Deputy Chairman Robert Janssen from Brazil said, “It gives me great pleasure to announce that the winner of the WCIT 2023 bid is Sarawak as represented by PIKOM, Sarawak Multimedia Authority (SMA) and Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation (SDEC).”

Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation Bhd chairman Tan Sri Datuk Amar Mohamad Morshidi congratulated the WCIT 2022 organizers PIKOM, Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), HRD Corp, the Penang government, Penang lead agencies, WITSA, and the delegates for successfully hosting and participating in the successful and memorable congress. “SMA and SDEC representing the Sarawak Government is grateful beyond words to WITSA for giving us this opportunity to host the WCIT 2023 in Kuching, Sarawak on the exotic island of Borneo,” he said in his speech today.

“WCIT 2023 will have a sub-theme focus of Innovation and Technology Driving Economic Prosperity, Social Inclusivity and Environmental Sustainability, in line with Sarawak’s Post-Covid Development Plan 2030, and we look forward to welcoming all our guests to Kuching in the fourth quarter of next year.” he added.

“PIKOM is privileged to be trusted with the honor of co-organizing next year’s WCIT with the Sarawak Multimedia Authority and the Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation,” continued Dr Seah.

WITSA Secretary General Dr. Jim Poisant said the 27th edition of the World Congress is set to extend the reach of WCIT. “I am thrilled that WITSA’s signature event is reaching even more people as this is part and parcel of bringing the promise of the digital age to everyone,” he said.

“The WCIT 2023 in Kuching will be the catalyst that sparks idea generation, investment opportunities, business insights, policy action recommendations, delightful tech experiences, serendipitous discovery and partner-talent recruitment possibilities,” said WITSA CEO Dato’ Dan E. Khoo.

“I am excited that next year, the participants of the WCIT 2023 will witness the Congress in Sarawak, a land of infinite possibilities with unlimited potential on the exotic island of Borneo,” Dato’ Khoo added.

First held in 1978, the WCIT is unique in its global perspective on fulfilling the promise of the digital age and its ability to draw users, providers, media and academia from around the world to focus on tech for societal good. In addition, global business, government and academic leaders discuss emerging markets, legal and policy issues, political and economic trends, emerging technologies, tech user perspectives and business opportunities in the global marketplace.

Among the featured speakers will be internationally recognized leaders from government and the digital tech industry. A premier global tech congress, WCIT brings together more than 2,000 global leaders in business, government and academia from over 80 countries to impact economic and social development through the exchange of policies, practices, trends and ideas on tech. WCIT 2023, which will be held at the Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK), will put a spotlight on Sarawak as it is progressively shifting from a traditional commodities-based economy to a marketplace driven by innovation, technology and sustainability.


The World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the leading recognized international voice of the global ICT industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world ICT market.  WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in ICT products and services; strengthening WITSA’s national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.  WITSA hosts the World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT), the premier global industry sponsored ICT conference.

WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the ICT industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members — ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States — to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues.

See it on the WITSA Website here!


WITSA Congratulates PIKOM on Organizing Malaysua’s Largest Innovation & Tech Event Ever, WCIT 2022 MALAYSIA; Positioning Penang as a Global Innovation Hub


Penang, Malaysia: WITSA’s 26th World Congress on Innovation and Technology (WCIT 2022 MALAYSIA) concluded on its third day, on September 15, 2022 at the Setia SPICE Convention Centre in Penang, Malaysia. The spectacular event featured some 4,000 industry executives, government leaders, visionaries, innovators, academics and media from over 60 countries. Commonly referred to as the ‘Olympics of the World’s Information Technology Industry’, WCIT 2022 MALAYSIA featured a compelling event-filled program with more than 200 speakers, covering keynote speeches, business forums, roundtable discussions and interactive panels centered around topics such as new innovative technology, NFTs, Smart City development, SpaceTech, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, 5G, EduTech, Blockchain, HealthTech, E-Commerce and the furtherance of the world’s economic growth post-pandemic.

Delegates and speakers gathered in beautiful Penang to discuss the impact, challenges, and opportunities around WITSA’s vision of Fulfilling the Promise of the Digital Age, with special emphasis on Connecting and Transforming the World. Fulfilling the promise of the Digital Age envisions everyone on earth benefiting from innovations in digital technologies that bring about prosperity and opportunities to all corners of the world and how doing so will enrich populations, countries as well as the companies that drive our innovation economy by expanding the global marketplace and fostering sustainability.

Dr. Sean Seah, the newly elected WITSA Chairman and Chairman of PIKOM and Organizing Chairman of WCIT 2022 MALAYSIA said “the congress serves as a testament to the dynamic nature of WCIT, with multiple global stakeholders coming together to make this edition a resounding success. Malaysia hosting WCIT 2022 was both timely and opportune as we undergo economic recovery, pushing boundaries towards aggressive digitalization.”

“For those of us fortunate enough to already benefit from the Digital Age, we enjoy vast improvements in communications, education, health care, access to information, transportation, financial services, agriculture, inclusion, medical research, improved production, efficiencies, as well as in our personal and professional growth,” stated WITSA Secretary General Dr. Jim Poisant.  “As leaders of the innovation tech industry, we are uniquely positioned to positively affect humankind by sharing the wealth of these benefits with others,” continued Dr. Poisant.

WITSA CEO Dato’ Dan E. Khoo congratulated the WCIT 2022 MALAYSIA organizers PIKOM, Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), HRD Corp, the Penang government, and the delegates for successfully hosting and participating in the successful and memorable congress. WCIT 2022 MALAYSIA was organized by PIKOM, strategically enabled by MDEC and the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia as well as HRD Corp and the Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia and hosted by the Penang State Government. “WCIT 2022 succeeded as a platform to stimulate the conversations of tomorrow; drive collaboration with other participating economies and spearhead the quantum leaps of transformations through technological adoption, digital innovation, and foreign investment” stated Dato’ Khoo.

Commenting on the significant moment, WITSA Chairman Dr. Seah, confident that these agreements will serve Malaysia in multiple ways, said “the success of WCIT 2022 certainly cannot be overlooked as we have minimized the technological divide between Malaysia and some of the most developed countries in the world. We have also secured many new job opportunities through foreign and domestic digital investments. We will continuously seek to improve infrastructure, increase employment, foster technological innovation, and ultimately, advance forward as a nation actively pursuing technological excellence”, continued Dr. Seah.

WCIT 2022 MALAYSIA was the latest in WITSA’s 44-year storied history to host a World Congress on Innovation and Technology, with previous locations spanning nearly every corner of the world, from Washington, D.C., Toronto, Montreal, Paris, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Tokyo, Athens, Austin, San Francisco, Barcelona, Taipei, Yerevan, Dhaka, Hyderabad, Brasilia, Guadalajara, and others.

Contributing to WITSA’s vision of Fulfilling the Promise of the Digital Age as well as the theme of WCIT 2022 MALAYSIA; “Connecting and Transforming the World,” the program put a spotlight on how best to bring about the benefits of digital technology to children, citizens, governments, education, science, healthcare, the environment, industries and societies as well as nearly every aspect of our life.

WCIT 2022 MALAYSIA also featured the WITSA 2022 Global Innovation and Tech Excellence Awards, one of WITSA’s most popular programs which was started over 20 years ago, celebrating the innovative and impactful achievements of select individuals, academic institutions, corporations, NGOs and governments. At the September 14th Award Ceremony, 20 private and public sector organizations from four different continents were selected to receive the 2022 WITSA Awards and its highest award, the Eminent Person Award was bestowed upon Dato’ Hock E. Tan, one of this generation’s technology pioneers and a significant philanthropist, and Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, a Malaysian politician, author, and physician who served as the fourth and seventh prime minister of Malaysia. The Right Honorable Chow Kon Yeow, Chief Minister of Penang, was given the 2022 WCIT Most Valuable Person Award, which recognizes the leadership and tremendous strides made by an individual in advancing the ideals embodied by the spirit of the WCIT.

Penang is already home to 39 Fortune 1000 companies and is a key player in the global semiconductor and manufacturing industry. The island also has over 1,000 thriving tech startups and 300 Multinational Corporations. At WCIT 2022, more than RM46 billion worth of foreign and domestic digital investments were announced, signifying new investments pouring into Malaysia by some of the biggest companies in the global technology and digital arena. These agreements are set to further progress Malaysia’s technological advancements, as the country seeks to cement its position as a global digital innovation hub within the vast Asian geography.

The technology sector is one of the fastest growing in the Malaysian market, contributing 19.1% of the country’s GDP in 2019 and expected to reach 22.6% by 2025. According to a report by GlobalData Market Opportunity Forecasts, spending on ICT in Malaysia will reach US$25.2 billion by 2023.

“WCIT 2022 has positively positioned Penang on the world map as a global technological and innovation hub”, stated WITSA Secretary General Dr. Jim Poisant. “Besides being home to some of the world’s leading tech companies, the successful fruition of this event has demonstrated that this ‘Silicon Island’ has even greater potential to thrive as the center for innovation and technological advancements”. “I would like to therefore congratulate everyone, especially all participants and stakeholders of WCIT 2022.”


The World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the leading recognized international voice of the global ICT industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world ICT market.  WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in ICT products and services; strengthening WITSA’s national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.  WITSA hosts the World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT), the premier global industry sponsored ICT conference.

WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the ICT industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members — ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States — to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues.

See it on the WITSA Website here!


WITSA Elects New Leadership for the 2022-24 Team: Selects Dr.Sean Seah as its Chairman



Penang, Malaysia: At its September 12, 2022 General Assembly meeting, the World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) elected a diverse slate of leaders for the 2022-24 term, including 20 Directors from five continents.

WITSA elected The National Tech Association of Malaysia (PIKOM) Chairman Dr. Sean Seah as Chairman for the 2022-2024 term. Dr. Seah is well-known throughout the WITSA community, having served in various capacities in support of WITSA, including most recently as WITSA’s Deputy Chairman and is the CEO of the 2022 World Congress on Innovation and Technology. Dr. Seah is also Chairman of the National Tech Association of Malaysia and Organizing Chairman of the World Congress on Innovation and Technology (WCIT) 2022. Dr. Seah has an extensive and esteemed experience in the digital tech industry, having started his career in Silicon Valley in 1993 with subsequent work for Sun Microsystems. Dr. Seah has founded and co-founded many innovative tech businesses, including Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX:5MQ) based Afor Pte Ltd.; London Stock Exchange (LSE:GLS) based Galasys PLC; US OTC Market based SEATech Ventures Corporation (OTC PINK: SEAV) and AsiaFIN Holdings Corp (OTC PINK: ASFH); and Ankasa-X Group.

During the General Assembly meeting, Dr. Seah presented his vision for the global industry alliance to grow as the leading innovation and tech industry voice and a global digital ambassador for a new digital future. “I am honored and humbled to be entrusted with this important undertaking”, stated Dr. Seah. “I will continue in the footsteps of Chairman Emeritus Yannis Sirros and strive to position digital technology and the digital economy as the new strategic pillar for our global community, to become a global digital ambassador and accelerator in order to promote the value of digital transformation as the key catalyst for economic growth and social prosperity, to promote greater international cooperation by supporting multilateral win-win trade agreements, to drive awareness of the competitive advantage of the digital technology industry, and to strengthen WITSA’s role in the development of technology-related international public policy”, continued Dr. Seah.

As WITSA Chairman, Dr. Seah also vowed to increase WITSA’s relevance and value across the organizations vast network of industry associations, spanning 80 countries and representing more than 90 percent of the global tech market. As part of this effort, Dr. Seah plans on working actively with WITSA’s Board of Directors to also recruit more active members in countries not yet covered by the Alliance, and to enhance cooperation with regional industry organizations such as ASOCIO, AfICTA, DIGITALEUROPE, and ALETI. Dr. Seah will also seek to grow WITSA’s Global Business Exchange program (GBX) through B2B business matching, online exhibitions, online WCIT registrations, speaker recruitment, and livestreaming of WITSA events. In order to provide more value and business opportunities for members, Dr. Seah also intends to create a WITSA Business Intelligence (BI) platform.

“I know I am leaving WITSA in good hands”, stated WITSA Chairman Emeritus Yannis Sirros. “Having known Sean for many years, I know he will bring to our organization the same business-oriented mentality and dedication that has made him so successful in the digital tech industry, and which will be critical to WITSA’s success as it establishes its new path in the post-COVID economy”.

“We all must work closely together to increase WITSA’s reach and capabilities”, stated Dr. Sean Seah. “Everyone’s ideas and proposals are crucial and vital if we are to succeed and strengthen our role. I am committed to dedicating my time, experience, efforts, business and personal relations to realize WITSA’s true potential, bringing added value to each and everyone’s local organization and market”. “Let us build a new digital world together.”

“On behalf of the entire global WITSA community, I am delighted to welcome Dr. Sean Seah as our new Chairman”, expressed WITSA’s Secretary General Dr. Jim Poisant. “With so many challenges facing our industry in these troubled times, I am confident that with Dr. Seah’s trusted leadership and support, as well as friendship, we will continue to build on WITSA’s many accomplishments to ensure that WITSA will continue to grow and reach new levels of success”, said WITSA CEO Dato’ Dan E. Khoo.

Additionally, the new WITSA Board of Directors on September 12, 2022, selected a number of officers for the 2022-2024 term. Mr. Robert Janssen of ASSESPRO, Brazil was selected as WITSA’s Deputy Chairman. Mr. Roger Latchman of the Information Technology Association of South Africa was appointed Vice Chairman for Africa; Mr. Antonio Cimorra of the Spanish Trade Association for Electronics, Information Technologies, Telecommunications and Digital Content Industries (AMETIC) was selected as Vice Chairman for Europe (EU/EEA); Mr. Alexander Mora of the Costa Rican Chamber of Information and Communication Technologies (CAMTIC) was voted Vice Chairman for Latin America; and John Kyle of the Business Technology Division of the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce was selected as Vice Chairman for the Caribbean.

Mr. Doug Johnson, Vice President of Technology Policy at the U.S. based Consumer Technology Association (CTA) was selected as Chairman of WITSA’s Global Policy Action Committee; Mr. Brian Shen, Information Service Industry Association of Taiwan (CISA) was re-appointed Chairman of WITSA’s Business Development Committee; Mr. Tarek M. Abdel Monem Taha of the Egyptian Association for Information & Communication Technology (EITESAL was re-appointed to Chair WITSA’s Nominating Committee; and Dr. Boris Komrakov was re-appointed to Chair WITSA’s Committee on Education, Training and Human Resources.

A complete list of the newly elected WITSA leadership is provided below:


WITSA Board of Directors (2022-2024)


Name & Title


Association & Country


Dr.  Sean Seah


The National ICT Association of Malaysia (PIKOM)


Mr. Robert Franz Janssen

Deputy Chairman

Association of ICT Companies in Brazil (ASSESPRO)


Mr. Antonio Cimorra

Vice Chairman

The Association of Electronics, IT, Communications and Digital Contents (AMETIC) Spain


Mr. John Kyle

Vice Chairman

Business Technology Division of the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce


Mr. Roger Latchman

Vice Chairman

Information Technology Association of South Africa (ITA)


Mr. Alexander Mora

Vice Chairman

Costa Rican Chamber of Information and Communication Technologies (CAMTIC)


Mr. Nidal Bitar


The Information & Communications Technology Association (Jordan)


Mr. Francis Fong


Hong Kong Information Technology Federation (HKITF)


Mr. Ahmed Al Hujairy


Bahrain Technology Companies Society (BTECH)


Mr. Matthias Ifesieh


Information Technology Industry Association of Nigeria (ITAN)


Mr. Hemant Kumar Chaursaia


CAN Federation (Nepal)


Mr. Zoran Lazarevski


ICT Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of North Macedonia(MASIT)


Ms. Angela Mondou




Mr. Alberto Patron


Cámara de Empresas de Software y Servicios Informáticos de la República Argentina (CESSI) Argentina


Engr. Subrata Sarkar


Bangladesh Computer Samity (BCS)


Mr. Yutaka Sasaki


Japan Information Technology Services Industry Association (JISA)


Mr. Brian Shen


Information Service Industry Association of Taiwan (CISA)


Eng. Tarek Abd-elmonem Taha


EiTESAL Association for Information & Communication Technology Egypt


Mr. Florin Vrejoiu


Association for Information Technology and Communications of Romania (ATIC)


Mr. Alexandr Yesayan


Union of Advanced Technology Enterprises of Armenia (UATE)



The World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the leading recognized international voice of the global ICT industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world ICT market.  WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in ICT products and services; strengthening WITSA’s national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.

WITSA hosts the World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT), the premier global industry sponsored ICT conference.

WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the ICT industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members — ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States — to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues.

For more information on WITSA, please visit

See it on the WITSA Website here.


WITSA Signs Global Industry Letter, Warns Against Chinese Proposed Restrictions on Data Flows



Fairfax, VA: The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) has co-signed a global industry letter providing comments on China’s draft Standard Contract Provisions for the Exit of Personal Information (“Standard Contract Provisions”). The letter is in response to an open consultation by the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) and argues that it is important that the CAC design the standard contract provisions to be a valid and effective transfer mechanism under the Personal Information Protection Law (“PIPL”). As designed, there is concern that the proposed framework may be unworkable in practice for many Chinese and foreign entities. The ability to transfer data securely across transnational digital networks is of central importance to the national policy objectives of many countries, including China.
WITSA has an established policy advocating against restrictions of the free flow of information across borders in its data flows paper, calling ‘data’ an essential resource for healthy economic growth and warning that that excessive restrictions on the flow of data hinders the barrier to secure management and protection of data.
“In today’s global economy, consumers, regulators, and businesses all benefit from a constant stream of data flowing seamlessly back and forth across national borders”, stated WITSA Secretary General Dr. Jim Poisant. “Businesses use data to create valuable products and services, enhance productivity, reduce costs, improve efficiency, deter fraud, protect consumers, and foster economic growth and jobs”, continued. Dr. Poisant. “To secure these benefits, it is essential to have clear, consistent rules in place that allow for the unimpeded flow of data except as limited to legitimate public policy objectives.” In general, National Security, Data Privacy etc. should not be used as a lever to restrict data flows, and mandate data localization.
“When foreign goods, services, or IP are disadvantaged in a market, that can distort trade, discourage foreign direct investment, and push other trading partners to impose similarly detrimental measures”, stated WITSA Vice President for Global Public Policy, Anders Halvorsen. “Often over the long term, these measures can hinder economic growth and competitiveness objectives that they were intended to achieve”, continued Halvorsen. “For these reasons, WITSA strongly advocates against localization and other barriers and instead encourage governments to pursue policy approaches that help their economic growth and competitiveness without discriminating against imported goods or services.”
WITSA has been vigilant in working with likeminded industry groups in opposing restrictive data-flows regulations. In December 2021, WITSA signed a global industry letter on draft data transfer assessment measures from the Cyberspace Administration of China, and in June 2021, WITSA signed another multiassociation letter on China’s draft Personal Information Protection and Data Security Laws.

About WITSA:
The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the leading recognized international voice of the global digital technology industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies
represent more than 90 percent of the world tech market. WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in digital technology products and services; strengthening WITSA’s national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.
WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the digital technology industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members – ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States – to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues. For more information on WITSA, please visit


WITSA Signs Global Industry Statement on WTO ITA Expansion (ITA-3)



An expanded ITA would grow the global GDP $800 billion over the next decade

Fairfax, VA:  The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) on May 16th signed a global industry statement calling on WTO Information Technology Agreement (ITA) member countries to launch a new round of negotiations to expand its product coverage (ITA-3).

The ITA, implemented in 1996 and expanded in 2016, has played a pivotal role in growing the global economy and bridging the digital divide. By eliminating tariffs on hundreds of high-tech goods and components, from semiconductors to smartphones, the ITA makes transformational technology products more affordable and accessible, while spurring productivity, innovation, and economic growth in both developing and developed economies. To date, 82 WTO members are signatories of the ITA, and 54 are signatories of ITA Expansion (ITA-E/ITA-2). WITSA had been a long supporter of the ITA and ITA-2, as established in its Statement of Policy on International Trade in ICT Goods and Services. In 2017, WITSA signed on to a multi-association trade letter, calling on non-signatories to join this pioneering agreement and asking members in those countries to encourage participation. That statement turned out to be a powerful advocacy tool and we appreciate members support in reaching out to their respective governments.

However, as technology continues to transform society and industry in ever new sectors, there is now a need to take another fresh look at the ITA and another expansion of covered products (ITA-3).

An ITA-3 would bring a number of emerging technologies driving the global digital economy under ITA coverage, further bridge the digital divide, give a bigger window to the world for students learning remotely, better facilitate remote working and reduced carbon emissions, provide new tools to address climate change, and promote better remote healthcare solutions and save lives. And it would give another strong boost to economic growth. By one estimate, an additional significant expansion of the ITA would add nearly $800 billion to the global GDP over 10-years.

The ITA-1 and its 2015 expansion, or ITA-2, have increased employment, put innovative and affordable tech products in the hands of consumers, empowered workers, driven the digital economy, played a catalytic role in developing global value chains, boosted economic growth around the world, and bridged communities across the globe in ways unimagined when the original agreement was launched 25 years ago. More immediately, technologies covered by the ITA have enabled the world to better weather global lockdowns by facilitating remote working and learning in ways that could not have been imagined when ITA-1 was being negotiated, and by increasing access to vital goods needed to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, including the rapid development of mRNA vaccines. Another round of ITA product expansion, coupled with expansion of geographic scope of the agreement would yield immediate and sweeping benefits, removing tariffs on a vast array of tech products not currently covered and spreading the benefits of digital innovation around the world to developing and developed economies alike.

While ITA-2 captured an impressive $1.3 trillion in tech trade, there have been major advances in ICT technology since 2015.  More than seven years have passed since the ITA-2 was achieved and not a single product has been added to the agreement even though the ICT sector is bursting with innovation and demand for digital technologies is growing exponentially. A letter is now being drafted, calling on ITA members to support launching another ambitious new round of negotiations to further expand this critically important agreement and carry forward the robust momentum produced by the original ITA and its 2015 expansion. An ITA-3 would give a strong boost the World Trade Organization, generate enormous benefits to workers across the world, support the global environment, bring more developing countries into the digital supply chain, and promote global prosperity.

Several associations and companies traveled to Geneva to present the global industry statement to the WTO and trade missions on May 16, 2022. As part of the visit, the delegation met with WTO Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Deputy Directors-General Angela Paolini ELLARD, ITA Committee Secretariat Dr Xiaodong Wang, and numerous Ambassadors from countries with missions in Geneva, including Amb. Pagan of the US, Amb. Stephen de Boer of Canada, Amb. Yamazaki of Japan, Amb. Manuel Teehankee of the Philippines, Amb. Lee of South Korea, and Amb. Lo of Chinese Taipei. During the meetings, the group presented the global industry statement signed by more than 40 associations from around the world — from Bangladesh to Bahrain and representing millions of workers — urging ITA members to launch another ambitious new round of ITA expansion negotiations (or ITA-3) to significantly expand product coverage of the agreement.

The global industry statement is available on the WITSA web site.

About WITSA:

The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the leading recognized international voice of the global digital technology industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world tech market. WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in digital technology products and services; strengthening WITSA’s national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.

WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the digital technology industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members – ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States – to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues. For more information on WITSA, please visit

See it online!


The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance Appoints New CEO



Fairfax, VA: The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) today appointed Dato Dan E. Khoo as its new Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Khoo will work alongside Secretary General Dr. Jim Poisant until his retirement on September 30, 2022.

“After many years at the helm of WITSA, Jim will be retiring at the end of September, following the World Congress on Innovation and Technology in Penang, Malaysia, our flagship event,” stated WITSA Chairman Yannis
Sirros. “Jim is responsible for leading WITSA to the great organization that it is today, growing the organization and developing our hugely successful WCIT brand. Jim has been a cornerstone of WITSA for over 25 years, and it is hard to envisage a future without his steadfast leadership, marketing skills, and vision. But, in the words of Heraclitus, ‘There is nothing permanent except change’,” continued Mr. Sirros.

“After extensive vetting and a competitive recruitment outreach, WITSA
has chosen a uniquely qualified individual in Dan E Khoo, who has previously served as the Chairman of WITSA,” said WITSA Secretary General Dr. Jim Poisant. “In addition, Dan organized the highly successful World Congress in Kuala Lumpur in 2008, which hosted more than 3,300 delegates from 92 countries, 105 speakers, and over $10 million in sponsorships! He has been involved with WITSA for more than 25 years, first as a speaker at our World Congress in Bilbao, Spain. I am therefore extremely pleased to welcome Dan back to our esteemed organization!” continued Dr. Poisant.

“I am honored and privileged to return to WITSA in this executive capacity. WITSA’s unique alliance of tech industry associations from over 80 countries and economies provides a global platform and an exciting opportunity to impact change on a global scale. I look forward to contributing towards

About Dato’ Dan E Khoo:

Born in Penang, Dato’ Dan E Khoo has a lifelong passion for technology, strategy and entrepreneurship. His global outlook is shaped by leadership experience in California’s Silicon Valley, Malaysia, Vietnam and Hong Kong with roles in private enterprise, non-profit and the public
sector. Entrepreneurship exits with a trade sale of a tech startup to a Nasdaq-listed enterprise at the height of the dot-com boom and an IPO in Bursa Malaysia came after he led the creation of technology sections in two English-language newspapers. Khoo’s involvement in non-profit organizations led to stints as Chairman of the National Tech Association of Malaysia (PIKOM), Director of The Asian-Oceanian Computing Industry Organization (ASOCIO), President of the Southeast-Asia Information Technology Organization (SITO) and Chairman of WITSA. He has also served as Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation’s Head of Strategy and as President of MDEC Americas Inc in Palo Alto, California. He has won multiple awards including the WITSA Lifetime Achievement Award and PIKOM Man of the Year.

About WITSA:

The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the leading recognized international voice of the global digital technology industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world ICT market. WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in digital technology products and services; strengthening WITSA’s national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.
WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the digital technology industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members – ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States – to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues. For more information on WITSA, please visit


The World Information Technology & Services Alliance has a new name: The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance


January 27, 2022

Contact: Dr. Jim Poisant. Mobile: +1 703 728-4547 E: Mr. Yannis Sirros. Mobile: +30 (6) 9 44 77 88 18 E:

The World Information Technology & Services Alliance has a new name: The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance
Fairfax, VA: The World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA), the leading recognized international voice of the global digital technology industry, today announced that it has rebranded the organization to fully reflect the current state of digital transformation.
The new name of WITSA, “The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance”, was adopted to ensure that WITSA will continue to be recognized as a relevant, evolving organization that represents the interests of the global digital technology industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world ICT market.
“For WITSA to remain relevant it must transform itself along with nearly every other organization on earth,” stated WITSA Chairman Mr. Yannis Sirros. “If WITSA continued to associate itself only with the words: information technology, we would demonstrate to the world that we failed to recognize the world has not only changed, but it is also continually changing,” continued Mr. Sirros. “The world continues to transform with existing, and evolving technologies constantly converging. The world has grown out of the old IT model and is going global and digital. This has been clearly demonstrated during the Pandemic. Those organizations that don’t adapt, fail to exist”.
“By embracing its new name, WITSA illustrates to the world that we are also evolving and transforming just like other organizations, governments, institutions and business entities around the globe. Representing most ICT companies, WITSA fully appreciates its place and importance in the Digital Age,” added WITSA’s Secretary General, Dr. Jim Poisant. Technology’s
unprecedented pace of innovation calls for adaption and change,” continued Dr. Poisant. “By rebranding WITSA, we intend on continuing to evolve so we accurately represent the digital technology industry.”

About WITSA:
The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the leading recognized international voice of the global digital technology industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world ICT market. WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in digital technology products and services; strengthening WITSA’s national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.
WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the digital technology industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members – ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States – to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues. For more information on WITSA, please visit


WITSA Announces 2021 Global ICT Excellence Award Winners


Winners demonstrated excellence in improving the human condition through digital innovation and public-private partnerships.

From all the prizes we want to highlight


Mondly – Learn 33 Languages (Romania)

Romanian-based, Mondly is a leading online language learning platform that enables over 80 million people from 190 countries to learn 33 languages. Launched in 2014, Mondly quickly became a leading app in the mobile space, reaching #1 in Education in most European countries, Latin America and Asia. According to Statista, Mondly now ranks among the top 5 language learning apps worldwide. It is a state-of-the-art speech recognition and chatbot technologies that has won multiple awards from Apple, Google and Facebook. The tool is available on iPhone & iPad, Android and web.

Mondly was the first to launch language learning apps in VR and AR with chatbot and speech recognition and have since further disrupted the language learning industry with innovative solutions such as Hands-free learning. Mondly’s mission is to advance the way people learn languages and endorse cultural and linguistic diversity through cutting-edge technologies.

Contact: Alex Iliescu, CEO and Co-Founder at Mondly

E-mail: | Phone: +40733969116

Nominated by: ATIC, Romania


Please download the press release here:

2021AwardsPR_final (1)


The WITSA Global ICT Excellence Awards is one of WITSA’s most popular programs. Started over 20 years ago, at the 2000 World Congress on IT in Taipei, WITSA has – as the leading recognized international voice of the global ICT industry – utilized its unprecedented reach into the ICT industry in over 80 countries, from Australia and New Zealand to Bangladesh and Malaysia, to South Africa and Nigeria, to Argentina and Canada, in order to select the most impactful and innovative candidates from every corner of the world.


The World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the leading recognized international voice of the global ICT industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world ICT market.  WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in ICT products and services; strengthening WITSA’s national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.  WITSA hosts the World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT), the premier global industry sponsored ICT conference.

WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the ICT industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members — ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States — to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues.

For more information on WITSA, please visit


Count-down Begins: “Olympics of IT” Returning to Malaysia


WITSA Lauds PIKOM’s Perseverance through Global Pandemic to Host

Grand Event on September 13-15, 2022


September 13, 2021

Fairfax, VA:  The World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) today announced that the 26th World Congress on IT (WCIT 2022) will take place in Penang, Malaysia on September 13-15, 2022, with the theme “Connecting and Transforming the World”, setting Penang as a gateway to ASEAN and a linkage to the world. Often referred to as the “Olympics of the information and communications technology industry”, the WCIT was first held in 1978. WITSA’s flagship event is unique in its global perspective on ICT issues and its ability to draw users, providers, media and academia from around the world. Global business, government and academic leaders discuss emerging markets, legal and policy issues, political and economic trends, emerging technologies, ICT user perspectives and business opportunities in the global marketplace. Among the featured speakers are the most distinguished and internationally recognized leaders from government and industry.

The National Tech Association of Malaysia (PIKOM), in collaboration with the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), had originally won the bid to host WCIT in 2020. The event was ultimately postponed to 2022 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In its place, PIKOM hosted a spectacular three-day “Techfest Live featuring Road-to-WCIT 2022” virtual event on November 18-20, 2020. The event paved the way for the return of the WCIT to Malaysia in 2022 as the gateway to Southeast Asia with a market size of 650 million people. “WITSA is proud of PIKOM’s perseverance amidst the global crisis and for successfully planning the return of the World Congress on IT to Malaysia in 2022”, said WITSA Chairman Yannis Sirros. “With the return of the WCIT, PIKOM demonstrates how the world can recover from this crisis with digital technologies as a driver of prosperity, economic growth and innovation, introducing a new digital future, all over the world,” continued Mr. Sirros. “Among all the lessons derived from the COVID-19 pandemic, none is more important than stressing the importance of ICT development. Crises will come and go but falling behind in the Digital Age will cast nations into perpetual poverty and hardship. Catching up is quite possible if nations act NOW with a sense of Urgency. WCIT 2022 will put a spotlight on how countries, societies and businesses can succeed in a post-pandemic world by embracing digital transformation and by accelerating digital investments to match changing customer needs, improve business operation through use of data and AI, modernizing technology capabilities selectively to boost growth, and enhancing organizational agility to adapt quicker to market changes”.

“I wish to thank WITSA for the continued support of PIKOM and Malaysia’s quest to launch a successful WCIT in Penang next year”, said Dr. Sean Seah, Deputy Chairman of WITSA and PIKOM. “WCIT 2022 will put a spotlight on Penang, which is known as the Silicon Valley of the East for its ground-breaking and innovative industries”, continued Dr. Seah. “Penang is not only one of Malaysia’s most vital economic powerhouses, with the highest Gross Domestic Product per capita among all Malaysian states but is also home to one of the most distinguished UNESCO World Heritage Sites. I am looking forward to welcoming delegates from all corners of the world next September, which will further position Malaysia and Penang as the digital hub for ASEAN countries and connecting Malaysia to the world. A state-wide digital experience festival, TechFest 2022, is scheduled from 8th to 18th September 2022 to coincide with WCIT 2022.”

“I know that everyone in the 85-country wide global WITSA member community is looking forward to the reschedule World Congress in Penang next year”, stated WITSA Secretary General Dr. Jim Poisant. “Malaysia is one of only two countries to have hosted the WCIT twice in its storied 43-year history”, continued Dr. Poisant. “Malaysia last hosted the WCIT event in Kuala Lumpur in 2008 and managed to secure total sales and investments worth RM8.3 billion (USD2 billion) with 20,000 jobs created as a result of over 800 business meetings held during the event, creating more than RM1.24 billion (USD 300 million) in business opportunities for the Malaysian information and communications technology (ICT) industry. WCIT2022 will be a key factor for Malaysia’s economic transformation and a platform to bridging the digital divide and ensuring that the needs of most vulnerable in society are addressed.”

For more information about WITSA’s World Congress on ICT, please see our “WCIT Proud History” brochure at

 About WITSA:

The World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the leading recognized international voice of the global ICT industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world ICT market. WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in ICT products and services; strengthening WITSA’s national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.

WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the ICT industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members – ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States – to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues. For more information on WITSA, please visit


WITSA Celebrates Launch of Global Business Exchange!
GBX Launch Marked by Worldwide Participation from Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin-America, North America, and Middle East



Fairfax, VA:  The World Information Technology and Services (WITSA) today marked the official launch of its Global Business Exchange (GBX), presenting many exciting features of this new and innovative platform, which offers companies throughout WITSA’s vast global network with many benefits including a robust B2B networking platform, allowing participating companies to establish business connections with one another to expand their personal and business networks. Participating companies can search the platform to connect with other companies in order to partner, purchase and sell their goods and services across WITSA’s 85 member countries, representing over 90 percent of the world ICT market.

WITSA’s Global Business Exchange is made possible with the support of the National Tech Association of Malaysia (PIKOM) and Fusionex Group.

“The initial intent of the GBX was to have it serve as a global B2B platform for WITSA’s members’ members, enabling thousands of them to expand their business and professional networks, globally”, stated Dr. Sean Seah, PIKOM Deputy Chairman and WITSA GBX Executive Director, who is also the current Deputy Chairman of WITSA. “As it was being developed, thanks to improvements and innovation in platform technology, the GBX has grown into much more than a B2B platform.”

Other key features of WITSA’s GBX include a Request for Proposal Corner, Virtual Conference Hosting, a Virtual Exhibition Hall, live streaming of Webinars, a research repository, an Education & Training Center, a Global Partners and Products Showroom, a WITSA Speakers Bureau, and a Global ICT Excellence Awards Winners Honor Hall.

“On behalf of WITSA, I would like to say that we are very excited to be able to offer our members a unique benefit which will enable WITSA member companies of all sizes an opportunity to expand their professional and business networks around the globe,” said WITSA Chairman Mr. Yannis Sirros.

In the months ahead, WITSA’s GBX will also include an option for companies to obtain a “Business Excellence Certification” (BECP) status. Once a company is active on the GBX platform, they may choose to apply for BECP status. WITSA certified BECP companies may post RFIs and RFPs to the GBX network of companies to seek global partnerships on products, solutions, services and joint project bids opportunities.

“We applaud WITSA’s visionary initiative in wanting to help its business community to overcome these challenges by adopting a data-driven virtual platform powered by Fusionex that will empower its members with insights and enable their businesses to not only stay afloat but thrive. The GBX platform offers a holistic experience. It allows WITSA members and all participants to cultivate business relationships and gain access to new markets worldwide. It is our hope that this collaboration will serve as a catalyst in igniting a paradigm shift from physical to digital and hybrid. Only in doing so, will we be able to navigate the rapidly fluctuating, and anomalous landscape caused by COVID-19 and emerge resilient against future crises,” said Fusionex Group CEO Dato’ Seri Ivan Teh.

“As the GBX matures, we also plan on including the ability for members to launch online research and surveys, to use the GBX database to assist WITSA members in running their own events -such as signing up delegates, solicit sponsorships, identify speakers and program content-, offer GBX to key stakeholders such as the WTO, OECD, WHO, World Bank to organize joint events, sponsorships or surveys”, stated WITSA Secretary General Dr. Jim Poisant. “Participating companies will be able to expand their business and professional network around the globe through our Global Business Exchange, seek international recognition through the WITSA Business Excellence Certification and seek strategic partnerships, sub, and prime contracting opportunities, and enhance their corporate branding, globally”, continued Dr. Poisant.

The official launch of the GBX marked the participation of several WITSA countries, including companies from the likes of Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Egypt, Greece, Malaysia, Nigeria, Taiwan, UK, etc. The GBX platform can be found at A short video presentation is also available at

If you have any questions about the WITSA Global Business Exchange, please contact Ms. Molly Poisant at, Anders Halvorsen at or your WITSA member association representative.

About WITSA:

The World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the leading recognized international voice of the global ICT industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world ICT market. WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in ICT products and services; strengthening WITSA’s national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.

WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the ICT industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members – ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States – to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues. For more information on WITSA, please visit


WITSA Signs Multi-Association Letter on China Draft Personal Information Protection and Data Security Laws


June 3, 2021

Fairfax, VA:  The World Information Technology and Services (WITSA) today signed a multi-association letter addressing data localization mandates and data transfer restrictions in the People’s Republic of China’s draft Data Security Law (DSL) and draft Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL). The letter raises concerns regarding certain provisions relating to data localization and data transfers in the draft legislation.

The multi-association letter reflects WITSA’s existing policy principles established in its Statement of Policy on Restrictions of the Free Flow of Information Across Nationality/Regional Borders. WITSA is taking a strong stance against forced localization of data requirements as these interrupts the free flow of data that underpins the complex online networks connecting the globe in ways that threaten the cultural and economic growth potential of the Internet and Internet-based technologies.

The ability to access technology and transfer data securely across international digital networks is of central importance to any company with international business activities. Cross-border data transfers support many important priorities, including international sales and marketing, transnational research and development, cybersecurity, fraud monitoring and prevention, anti-money laundering, anti-corruption, and a broad range of other activities relating to the protection of health, privacy, security, intellectual property, and regulatory compliance. To avoid prejudicing these priorities, the multi-association letter recommends that the PIPL and DSL avoid the imposition of data localization mandates, onerous data transfer restrictions, and associated data-related barriers.

The signed letter can be found on the following link:


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About WITSA:

The World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the leading recognized international voice of the global ICT industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world ICT market. WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in ICT products and services; strengthening WITSA’s national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.

WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the ICT industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members — ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States — to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues. For more information on WITSA, please visit


WITSA signs multi-association letter to make concrete policy recommendations to the G20 to drive the global digital recovery


May 17, 2021

Ms. Angela Mondou, WITSA Policy Chair: +1 (519) 589-4039 E: 
Mr. Anders Halvorsen: +1 571 265-5964 E:

Fairfax, VA:  The World Information Technology and Services (WITSA) today co-signed a letter addressed to G20 governments. As we look ahead to this year’s G20 Summit in October, WITSA and our partners in the global digital and technology industries wish to emphasize the need to harness digital transformation to drive recovery and build resilience into the world economy WITSA and ten other leading international digital associations have put forward the following concrete policy proposals:

  • Avoid digital protectionism or imposing barriers to trade in recovery planning and economic stimulus packages;
  • Ensure that regulatory approaches impacting digital services, technologies and infrastructure are non-discriminatory;
  • Invest in strengthening the resilience of global value chains;
  • Commit to facilitating the free flow of data that recognizes the need for interoperability of regimes across borders and refraining from imposing damaging data localization requirements;
  • Follow the Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT) principles;
  • Support multilateral efforts at the OECD to establish a set of common practices and legal processes for ensuring trusted law enforcement; and
  • Establish common approaches to the regulation of emerging technologies, especially artificial intelligence (AI).

The signed letter can be found here.

About WITSA:

The World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the leading recognized international voice of the global ICT industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world ICT market. WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in ICT products and services; strengthening WITSA’s national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.

WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the ICT industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members — ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States — to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues. For more information on WITSA, please visit

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Tremend a înregistrat o creștere a afacerilor cu 40% în 2020 față de 2019, până la 21 de milioane de Euro


 Tremend, nominalizată de Deloitte și FT1000 în topul celor mai dinamice companii de tehnologie din regiune, a înregistrat în 2020 o cifră de afaceri de 21 de milioane de Euro, cu 40% mai mare față de anul precedent, păstrând trendul ascendent din ultimii ani.

 Pentru 2021, compania vizează afaceri de 30 de milioane de Euro, atât prin consolidarea prezenței pe piețele din SUA, Marea Britanie și Benelux, cât și prin creșterea numărului de clienți, ca urmare a parteneriatelor încheiate cu Mastercard, Salesforce și Microsoft.

În acest sens, 50 de clienți noi au intrat în portofoliul Tremend, proveniți din Germania, Marea Britanie, SUA, Belgia, Israel, România, din domenii cum sunt retail, financiar, asigurări, tehnologie.

Compania de dezvoltare de software se va concentra și în perioada următoare pe implementarea de proiecte de digitalizare în patru direcții strategice: servicii financiare, servicii pentru Comisia Europeană, tehnologie și retail.

“Avem un obiectiv ambițios de creștere pentru acest an, susținut de tendințele de digitalizare ale pieței, atât la nivel local, cât și internațional. Ne bazăm totodată pe expertiza noastră tehnică de 15 ani în furnizarea de produse personalizate pe nevoile fiecărei companii, pe livrarea de soluții pentru automatizarea fluxurilor de vânzare și pentru sprijinirea companiilor în migrarea de la canalele clasice către cele self-service, complet digitalizate”, declară Ioan Cocan, Managing Partner, Tremend.

Tremend va continua să investească și în acest an în produsele proprii în domenii precum serviciile financiare și eLearning, în tehnologii emergente printre care Inteligența Artificială (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Cloud, Natural Language Processing (NLP) sau UI/UX. De asemenea, compania va pune un accent puternic pe dublarea numărului de clienți în regiunea Benelux de la 11 în acest moment și pe creșterea proiectelor la Comisia Europeană și alte instituții europene.

La nivel de echipă, care lucrează în întregime în regim de telemuncă, Tremend va recruta în acest an 150 de ingineri software, specialiști în tehnologii precum Java, Python, PHP, Angular, React, C++, Android, iOS și QA, dar și Project Manageri și Business Analysts. După ce în anii trecuți Tremend și-a consolidat echipa din biroul de la Brașov, care numără în prezent 40 de specialiști, plănuiește, de asemenea, în perioada următoare, dezvoltarea unei echipei din regiunea Benelux, cu până la 25 de colegi noi.

Compania a continuat astfel și în 2020 trendul ascendent, ca urmare a concentrării eforturilor echipei pe cercetarea și dezvoltarea de soluții de transformare digitală. Acestea au sprijinit companiile să depășească mai ușor impactul produs de pandemia generată de Covid-19.

“Anul 2020 a fost un test de rezistență, în care ne-am adaptat rapid ca echipă și ne-am consolidat imaginea de partener de tehnologie de încredere. Totodată, am pus un accent tot mai puternic pe dezvoltarea profesională a echipei și pe adoptarea de tehnologii emergente, pe care le-am integrat în soluțiile noastre”, menționează Marius Hanganu, Managing Partner, Tremend.

 Pentru proiectele inovatoare și pentru impactul pozitiv al acestora asupra societății, Tremend a primit, anul trecut, distincția Impact Star Award în clasamentul Deloitte Technology Fast 50 CE. De asemenea, a intrat, pentru al patrulea an consecutiv, în topul Financial Times 1000 al celor mai dinamice companii din Europa și pentru a treia oară în clasamentul Deloitte Technology Fast 500 EMEA, cu cea mai mare creștere din România.

 Despre Tremend

Tremend are o experiență de 15 ani în dezvoltarea de soluții și servicii software, cu clienți în 20 de țări pe 4 continente și cu peste 700 de proiecte de anvergură lansate în sectoare precum finanțe, bănci, telecom, auto, retail și servicii medicale, fiind unul dintre cei mai puternici jucători în industria IT europeană. Compania folosește ultimele tehnologii ale zilei, de la AI și Machine Learning, la IoT și microservicii. În 2020, Tremend a fost inclusă în clasamentul Deloitte Technology Fast 500 EMEA, a primit distincția Impact Star Award în clasamentul Deloitte Technology Fast 50 CE pentru inovație și impactul pozitiv asupra societății și a apărut, pentru a patra oară consecutiv, în FT1000 Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies. De asemenea, în anii trecuți a intrat, de două ori, în topurile Deloitte Fast 50 Central Europe al celor mai dinamice companii de tehnologie din regiune și de două ori INC. 5000 Europa, clasamentul companiilor cu cea mai mare creștere.

Tremend are două sedii în România, în București și în Brașov, cât și în Atlanta (Statele Unite), Bruxelles (Belgia), Londra (UK), Luxembourg.

Mai multe informații sunt disponibile pe


WITSA Calls for Partnerships with Governments to Connect the World

January 22, 2021

Fairfax, VA: The World Information Technology and Services (WITSA) today published a statement of policy entitled “The Role of Government in Connecting the World – an Industry Perceptive”. The paper makes the case that, in a Digitally driven world economy, the need to fully join the Digital Age is no longer just a smart thing to do, -it is required for a nations’ future. It is up to governments, in partnership with industry and other stakeholders to shape e-commerce and the digital economy by adopting rules that favor the adoption of ICTs and economic growth. In many developing countries, this is an enormous challenge that will involve reforming existing policies, laws and regulations in many areas.
“The pandemic has highlighted the glaring need to bridge the digital divide, both within and across countries, given the crucial role the digital economy has played during the crisis”, said WITSA Chairman Yannis Sirros. “The COVID-19 crisis presents a unique opportunity to improve the lives and livelihoods of citizens. Governments, the private sector, international organizations and citizens must take up the challenge of increasing digitalization and dare to make a difference” continued Mr. Sirros. “The moment is now!”
“Unfortunately, the digital economy is still relatively unchartered territory in many emerging countries around the world, and policies and regulations are failing to keep pace with the ever-accelerating digital transformations taking place”, said WITSA Secretary General Dr. Jim Poisant. “It is imperative that government leaders, in cooperation and partnership with the private sector embraces and employees the use of Digital technologies”, continued Dr. Poisant. “ICT must be at the core all of decision made by government leaders.”
The full statement can be found on the WITSA web site at the following link:
About WITSA:
The World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the leading recognized international voice of the global ICT industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world ICT market. WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in ICT products and services; strengthening WITSA’s national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.
WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the ICT industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members – ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States – to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues. For more information on WITSA, please visit




January 22, 2021

WITSA Calls for Partnerships with Governments to Connect the World
Fairfax, VA: The World Information Technology and Services (WITSA) today published a statement of policy entitled “The Role of Government in Connecting the World – an Industry Perceptive”. The paper makes the case that, in a Digitally driven world economy, the need to fully join the Digital Age is no longer just a smart thing to do, -it is required for a nations’ future. It is up to governments, in partnership with industry and other stakeholders to shape e-commerce and the digital economy by adopting rules that favor the adoption of ICTs and economic growth. In many developing countries, this is an enormous challenge that will involve reforming existing policies, laws and regulations in many areas.
“The pandemic has highlighted the glaring need to bridge the digital divide, both within and across countries, given the crucial role the digital economy has played during the crisis”, said WITSA Chairman Yannis Sirros. “The COVID-19 crisis presents a unique opportunity to improve the lives and livelihoods of citizens. Governments, the private sector, international organizations and citizens must take up the challenge of increasing digitalization and dare to make a difference” continued Mr. Sirros. “The moment is now!”
“Unfortunately, the digital economy is still relatively unchartered territory in many emerging countries around the world, and policies and regulations are failing to keep pace with the ever-accelerating digital transformations taking place”, said WITSA Secretary General Dr. Jim Poisant. “It is imperative that government leaders, in cooperation and partnership with the private sector embraces and employees the use of Digital technologies”, continued Dr. Poisant. “ICT must be at the core all of decision made by government leaders.”
The full statement can be found on the WITSA web site at the following link:
About WITSA:
The World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the leading recognized international voice of the global ICT industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world ICT market. WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in ICT products and services; strengthening WITSA’s national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.
WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the ICT industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members – ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States – to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues. For more information on WITSA, please visit



January 15, 2021

WITSA Highlights the Positive Impact and Contributions of ICT During a Time of Global Crisis
Fairfax, VA: The World Information Technology and Services (WITSA) today published a statement of policy entitled “The Impact and Contributions of ICT During a Time of Global Crisis: Embracing Digital Technology in the New Normal”. The paper takes stock of how our industry has stepped up to the task during the crisis. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, changes have taken place in our homes, our workplaces, our governments, businesses, meetings, education, travel, our healthcare system to include medical research-thus we have adopted new ways to conduct our lives-this is our new normal.
The paper shows that the pandemic has forced an exponential growth in and usage of digital technologies, leading to a “new normal” that fully embraces digital transformation and opening the door to the 4th Industrial Revolution and the fusion of the digital, biological, and physical worlds, as well as the growing utilization of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, robotics, 3D printing, the Internet of Things, and advanced wireless technologies, among others.
“Sooner than later, the COVID-19 virus pandemic will go down in history among other global catastrophes”, said WITSA Chairman Mr. Yannis Sirros. “The most important question is how the world will recover and learn from this crisis and prepare for the next one. The digital technology industry can support society’s prosperity, drive economic growth and promote innovation, introducing a new digital future, all over the world”, continued Mr. Sirros.
“Among all the lessons derived from the COVID-19 pandemic, none is more important than stressing the importance of ICT development”, stated WITSA Secretary General Dr. Jim Poisant. “Crises will come and go but falling behind in the Digital Age will cast nations into perpetual poverty and hardship”, continued Dr. Poisant. “Catching up is quite possible if nations act NOW with a sense of Urgency. As a matter of fact, now is the best time for nations to leapfrog ahead in their quest to become Digital nations and Digital Citizens.”
The full statement can be found on the WITSA web site at the following link:

About WITSA:
The World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the leading recognized international voice of the global ICT industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world ICT market. WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in ICT products and services;
strengthening WITSA’s national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.
WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the ICT industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members — ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States — to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues. For more information on WITSA, please visit


Tremend primește distincția Impact Star Award în clasamentul Deloitte Technology Fast 50 CE pentru inovație și impactul pozitiv asupra societății 


Tremend, compania de tehnologie cu cea mai rapidă creștere din România în clasamentul Deloitte Technology Fast 500 EMEA, a fost inclusă, în acest an, în categoria Impact Star Award în cadrul programului Deloitte 2020 Central Europe Technology Fast 50.

Impact Stars este categoria din clasamentul Deloitte Technology Fast 50 CE introdusă în competiție pentru prima dată în 2020, în contextul creat de pandemia de Covid-19. Prin aceasta, sunt recunoscute  organizațiile care, prin produsele și serviciile lor patentate, au un impact pozitiv asupra societății și mediului de afaceri, în domeniile inovație, mediu și diversitate. 

În ultimul an, eforturile echipei de specialiști Tremend s-au concentrat pe lansarea de soluții de transformare digitală, care sprijină companiile să depășească mai ușor impactul produs de pandemia generată de Covid-19. 

“Suntem onorați să primim premiul Impact Star acordat în cadrul programului Deloitte Technology Fast 50 CE. Este o recunoaștere, la nivel internațional, a impactului pe care îl au soluțiile pe care noi le dezvoltăm în inovarea și digitalizarea companiilor. Totodată, ne reconfirmă puterea de adaptare la schimbare, într-o piață dinamică și plină de provocări”, declară Marius Hanganu, Managing Partner, Tremend. 

Datorită soluției interne, Tremend Application Foundation, pentru dezvoltarea rapidă a aplicațiilor pe baza unor module deja existente, care pot fi ajustate în funcție de platforma ce urmează să fie creată, Tremend a dezvoltat platforme competitive. Astfel, într-un timp foarte scurt a lansat TORP, soluția de înrolare digitală a utilizatorilor (digital onboarding), care susține afacerile în continuarea activității în contextul situației curente, oferind clienților acces securizat, de la distanță, la produsele și serviciile lor. De asemenea, a dezvoltat platforma digitală observED care înlocuiește un supraveghetor în timpul examenelor online. 

“Pentru că ne dorim să sprijinim nevoia de digitalizare a companiilor mai ales în această perioadă, am  lansat produse competitive, care contribuie la păstrarea distanțării fizice, precum TORP, platforma de onboarding digital și ObservED, soluția de remote online proctoring. Realizăm împreună cu clienții și cu partenerii noștri workshop-uri de inovație în care folosim tehnologiile de ultimă oră precum inteligența artificială și machine learning pentru a dezvolta, într-o manieră agilă, soluții de transformare digitală care sprijină companiile să atingă cele mai înalte standarde și să ofere servicii competitive”, menționează Alexandru Paraschiv, Director al departamentului de Inovație, Tremend. 

La nivel de societate, în calitate de partener de tehnologie al Comisiei Europene, Tremend sprijină companiile din sectorul public european în procesul de inovație. Prin dezvoltarea platformei educaționale EPALE, lansată la nivelul Uniunii Europene, Tremend susține educația, creând o comunitate europeană diversă, deschisă participării profesioniștilor din domeniul învățării adulților, inclusiv educatorilor și formatorilor.

Ca partener tehnologic pentru dezvoltarea soluției eTwinning, comunitatea școlilor din Europa, Tremend susține personalul didactic care activează în școlile din țările europene să colaboreze, să demareze proiecte și să facă schimb de informații prin intermediul platformei în care sunt înscrise peste 860.000 de cadre didactice, peste 213.551 de școli și 113.530 proiecte. 

Totodată, se implică în modernizarea și alinierea la ultimele trenduri a activităților de predare online și formare profesională, în special în această perioadă a pandemiei de Covid-19, prin construirea platformei School Education Gateway, a Comisiei Europene.

Tremend a continuat, de asemenea, investițiile în R&D, o direcție pe care o va păstra și în perioada următoare. De curând, a lansat proiectul de cercetare HumanoID, în parteneriat cu Universitatea București, sprijinind companiile în simplificarea procesului de cunoaștere și validare a identității unui client sau utilizator fără a fi nevoie de prezența sa fizică și lucrează la proiectul de cercetare Graphomaly, alături de Universitatea Politehnica București și Universitatea din București,  o soluție bazată pe Inteligența Artificială pentru detectarea riscurilor și a anomaliilor din tranzacțiile financiare. 

Compania de dezvoltare de software a fost inclusă, anul acesta, în clasamentul Deloitte Technology Fast 500 EMEA pe primul loc în rândul firmelor din România și a apărut, pentru a patra oară consecutiv, în topul FT 1000 Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies. De asemenea, în anii trecuți a intrat, de două ori, în topurile Deloitte Fast 50 Central Europe, al celor mai dinamice companii de tehnologie din regiune și de două ori INC. 5000 Europa, clasamentul companiilor cu cea mai mare creștere. 

MARIUS HANGANU, Managing Partner – Tremend


Despre Tremend

Tremend are 15 ani de experiență în furnizarea de servicii de software engineering și consultanță și a implementat peste 700 de proiecte de anvergură pentru companii de top din sectoare precum telecom, finanțe, bănci, auto și servicii medicale. Compania folosește ultimele tehnologii ale momentului, de la AI și Machine Learning, la IoT și Microservicii. În 2020, Tremend a fost inclusă în clasamentul Deloitte Technology Fast 500 EMEA, pe primul loc în rândul firmelor din România și a apărut, pentru a patra oară consecutiv, în FT1000 Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies. De asemenea, în anii trecuți a intrat, de două ori, în topurile Deloitte Fast 50 Central Europe, al celor mai dinamice companii de tehnologie din regiune și de două ori INC. 5000 Europa, clasamentul companiilor cu cea mai mare creștere. 

Compania de consultanță și dezvoltare de software are două sedii în România, în București și în Brașov, și birouri în Atlanta (USA), Bruxelles (Belgia) și Londra (UK). 

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Contact presă

Claudia Popa

Senior Marketing Specialist


Tremend aniversează 15 ani și estimează afaceri de 20 de milioane de Euro pănă la finalul acestui an


 Tremend, compania care a intrat de patru ori consecutiv în clasamentul FT 1000 al celor mai dinamici jucători din Europa, împlinește 15 ani. Compania de dezvoltare de software continuă trendul ascendent și estimează o cifră de afaceri de 20 de milioane de Euro la finalul anului, o creștere cu 32% față de 2019.

Cu clienți în 20 de țări pe 4 continente și cu peste 700 de proiecte de anvergură lansate în sectoare precum financiar, telecom, auto sau retail, Tremend și-a consolidat poziția printre cei mai puternici jucători din regiune. La baza acesteia stau relațiile de lungă durată cu clienții și parteneriatele încheiate cu liderii din industrie precum Microsoft, Salesforce sau Mastercard. Totodată, investițiile în R&D și dezvoltarea de soluții inovatoare încep să aducă rezultate, iar direcția va fi susținută și pe viitor în domenii precum Cloud, inteligența artificială (AI) și Customer Experience.

Astfel, pentru sectoarele orientate către digitalizare, compania a lansat platforme competitive precum TORP, soluția de înrolare digitală cu aplicabilitate în domeniile financiar, telecom, educație, sănătate și ObservED, care înlocuiește un supervizor în timpul examenelor scrise, bazându-se pe datele biometrice ale participanților. Totodată, echipa de specialiști software ai Tremend lucrează la dezvoltarea proiectului de cercetare HumanoID. Acesta folosește inteligența artificială pentru verificarea și validarea posesorului unui act de identitate prin compararea fotografiei din actul de identitate cu cea a persoanei care îl deține, cu rol în aplicațiile de onboarding digital. Un alt proiect cercetare în care este implicată compania, alături de Universitatea Politehnica București și Universitatea din București, este Graphomaly, aplicația pentru detectarea, tot prin inteligența artificială, a anomaliilor din tranzacțiile financiare.

“Împreună cu cei peste 400 de colegi construim sisteme care au la bază metodologii proprii pe care le perfecționăm continuu, astfel încât să aducem beneficii clienților noștri, precum creșterea productivității și scăderea costurilor. Investițiile interne în R&D, lansarea Departamentului de Inovație, sunt menite să ne ajute partenerii să găsească cele mai eficiente soluții și să depășească ușor provocările cauzate de context”, precizează Marius Hanganu, Managing Partner, Tremend.

Pentru valorificarea oportunităților de business, compania de software a adăugat portofoliului clienți noi în ultimul an, precum Credex, Altex, Libra bank, First Bank, European Environment Agency etc.

Tremend a devenit, de asemenea, partener tehnologic al Comisiei Europene, fiind selectat pentru mai multe proiecte educaționale și este lider de consorțiu pentru EPALE, platforma electronică pentru educația adulților în Europa. În plus, este partenerul tehnologic pentru dezvoltarea platformei eTwinning a Comisiei Europene, care promovează colaborarea între unitățile de învățământ din Europa, prin utilizarea tehnologiilor informației și a comunicațiilor și a preluat construirea platformei School Education Gateway, soluția online de educație școlară a Comisiei Europene.

Adaptându-se rapid noului context, echipa de specialiști software lucrează în regim de telemuncă nu numai din București sau Brașov, orașele în care Tremend deține și centre de dezvoltare, ci și din Cluj, Craiova, Iași, Suceava ori din SUA, Belgia și UK.

“Tremend împlinește 15 ani și dorim să le mulțumim colegilor și clienților care ne însoțesc în această călătorie plină de provocări. Cea mai recentă provocare e chiar criza generată de Covid-19, în care facem tot ce putem pentru ca membrii echipei Tremend să opereze în condiții optime de lucru. Cu fiecare proiect dezvoltat ne-am consolidat imaginea de partener de încredere în tehnologie, atât pentru clienții noștri locali cât și internaționali, am pus accent pe inovație, am adoptat tool-uri și tehnologii emergente pe care le-am integrat în soluțiile noastre. În continuare, dorim să sprijinim companiile în digitalizarea proceselor pentru o interacțiune mai ușoară cu clienții lor, dezvoltând soluții și produse noi”, menționează Ioan Cocan, Managing Partner, Tremend.

În următoarea perioadă, accentul va fi pus pe extinderea business-ului la nivel internațional în SUA, Marea Britanie și Germania. Focusul tot mai puternic va fi pe specializarea în domenii precum Financial Services, Public Services, Retail & Consumer, Telecom, Chip Design Verification și Semiconductors, astfel încât soluțiile și produsele dezvoltate pe baza tehnologiilor emergente să fie personalizate, în cel mai scurt timp, în funcție de nevoile clienților. Tremend devine astfel nu numai un jucător tehnologic, ci un consultant cu expertiză în mai multe industrii.

De asemenea, compania își va concentra eforturile pe creșterea în domenii precum Customer Experience (CX), Cloud și AI, pe soluții care folosesc Magento și Salesforce, dar și pe dezvoltarea de framework-uri pentru aplicații reutilizabile, folosind metodologii Agile.

Despre Tremend

Tremend are 15 ani de experiență în furnizarea de servicii de software engineering și consultanță și a implementat peste 700 de proiecte de anvergură pentru companii de top din sectoare precum telecom, finanțe, bănci, auto și servicii medicale. Compania folosește ultimele tehnologii ale momentului, de la AI și Machine Learning, la IoT și Microservicii. Tremend a fost inclusă, de două ori consecutiv, în Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe, clasamentul celor mai dinamice companii de tehnologie din regiune, a apărut de trei ori în Deloitte Technology Fast 500 EMEA și de patru ori consecutiv în FT1000 – Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies. Compania de consultanță și dezvoltare de software are două sedii în România, în București și în Brașov, și birouri în Atlanta (USA), Bruxelles (Belgia) și Londra (UK).

Mai multe informații sunt disponibile pe

Marius Hanganu si Ioan Cocan, Fondatori Tremend

Contact presă Tremend

Claudia Popa

Senior Marketing Specialist


Tremend lansează observED, o soluție inovatoare de supraveghere a examenelor online, bazată pe datele biometrice, în parteneriat cu TypingDNA


Tremend, una dintre cele mai dinamice companii tehnologice românești din Europa, a lansat platforma observED, o soluție inovatoare dedicată centrelor de examinare, furnizorilor de certificări și universităților, pentru supravegherea de la distanță a studenților care susțin examene online, în vederea prevenirii înșelăciunii. Soluția folosește o tehnologie de tip AI dezvoltată de TypingDNA, o companie inovatoare care oferă soluții SaaS de biometrie comportamentală și de autentificare bazate pe modul în care utilizatorii tastează și interacționează cu un dispozitiv.

Aplicația observED este instrumentul digital care înlocuiește un supervizor în timpul unui examen scris și este integrat în pluginul Moodle. Moodle este cel mai popular sistem open-source de gestionare a procesului de învățare (LMS – Learning Management System), cu peste 100 de milioane de utilizatori din întreaga lume. Totodată, acest LMS este susținut de o comunitate puternică de parteneri și dezvoltatori independenți și este permanent adaptat la cele mai exigente cerințe de învățare.

Soluția este dedicată facultăților, universităților, platformelor de eLearning, furnizorilor de traininguri și de certificări, care au nevoie de o abordare 100% digitală, nu numai asupra procesului de predare și învățare, ci și a susținerii examenelor.

Aplicația observED integrează tehnologii de ultimă oră în validarea identității. Înrolarea utilizatorilor se face prin scanarea, cu ajutorul camerei video a dispozitivului de pe care este susținut examenul, a elementelor de securitate ale documentului de identitate.

Folosind algoritmi din inteligența artificială și învățare automată dezvoltați de TypingDNA, este verificat modul unic în care utilizatorii tastează, stabilindu-se o amprentă biometrică, personalizată, pentru fiecare utilizator în parte.

Pe baza soluțiilor software create de Tremend, observED face o analiză a istoricului de navigare din browsing pentru a verifica dacă utilizatorul accesează alte site-uri în timpul examenului online. Totodată, la intervale regulate de timp, aplicația face capturi cu camera video a dispozitivului folosit de persoana examinată, astfel încât aceasta să nu fie înlocuită de altcineva. Utilizatorii sunt astfel verificați și monitorizați continuu pe tot parcursul testării, iar în cazul unui comportament suspect, platforma trimite alerte către instituția examinatoare.

observED este o soluție multimodulară, cu tehnologii emergente care oferă aceeași securitate, conformitate și siguranță ca examinarea față în față, iar ca urmare a softurilor integrate, este imposibil de păcălit.

Prin automatizarea procesului de examinare, instituțiile se asigură că păstrează controlul total, reduc substanțial costurile și timpul petrecut cu planificarea, organizarea și supravegherea studenților sau a elevilor. Totodată, beneficiază, la final, de un raport detaliat al fiecărui examinat.

“Vedem deja o accelerare a digitalizării în medicină, comerț și, desigur, în educație, ca urmare a provocărilor din ultima perioadă și a regândirii proceselor de business. Suntem mereu atenți la trendurile pieței și folosim tehnologiile invoatoare pentru a dezvolta produse care aduc plus valoare. Am dezvoltat ObservED în parteneriat cu TypingDNA pentru a veni în sprijinul instituțiilor de învățământ deschise să adopte tehnologii care le permit să își extindă amprenta educațională și să ofere mai multe oportunități studenților sau elevilor oriunde ar fi aceștia situați”, declară Alexandru Paraschiv, Director al departamentului de Inovație, Tremend.

„Produsul ObservED dezvoltat de Tremend va propulsa utilizarea biometriei tiparului de tastare pentru autentificare în industria educației, ca alternativă pentru autentificarea identității studenților, având în vedere contextul evenimentelor curente care reduc posibilitățile de supraveghere de tip față în față. Sperăm ca mai mulți furnizori de învățare online să faciliteze continuitatea educației pentru studenții din toate mediile, folosindu-se de accesibilitatea largă a autentificării biometrice de tipar, care funcționează doar cu o tastatură și cu o conexiune la internet cu viteză minimă”, explică Tudor Goicea, Chief Revenue Officer, TypingDNA

Piața globală a examinărilor online, automatizate, a crescut într-un ritm accelerat în ultima perioadă, ca urmare a închiderii instituțiilor de învățământ din cauza pandemiei generată de COVID-19.

Despre Tremend

Tremend are 14 ani de experiență în furnizarea de servicii de software engineering și consultanță și a implementat peste 700 de proiecte de anvergură pentru companii de top din sectoare precum telecom, finanțe, bănci, auto și servicii medicale. Compania folosește ultimele tehnologii ale momentului, de la AI și Machine Learning, la IoT și Microservicii. Tremend a fost inclusă, de două ori consecutiv, în Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe, clasamentul celor mai dinamice companii de tehnologie din regiune și de patru ori consecutiv în FT1000 – Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies. Compania de consultanță și dezvoltare de software are două sedii în România, în București și în Brașov și birouri în Atlanta, USA, Bruxelles, Belgia și Londra, UK. 

Mai multe informații sunt disponibile pe

Contact presă Tremend

Claudia Popa

Senior Marketing Specialist

Despre TypingDNA

TypingDNA este o companie de biometrie comportamentală care autentifică utilizatorii în funcție de modul în care tastează și interacționează cu un dispozitiv. Tehnologia bazată pe inteligență artificială dezvoltată de TypingDNA facilitează prevenirea activității frauduloase, cum ar fi furtul de identitate, prin introducerea autentificării biometrice. Organizațiile din întreaga lume folosesc tehnologia inovatoare a companiei pentru a îmbunătăți securitatea online prin autentificarea pasivă a utilizatorilor.

Contact presă TypingDNA

Content Marketing Manager

Alexandra Daragiu

Alexandru Paraschiv, Director al departamentului de Inovație, Tremend

Tudor Goicea, Chief Revenue Officer, TypingDNA


Tremend și certSIGN semnează un parteneriat strategic pentru accelerarea interacțiunii digitale cu clienții

București, 11 Iunie, 2020

Tremend, una dintre companiile de tehnologie cu cele mai mari creșteri din Europa și certSIGN, prestator de servicii de încredere acreditat, au încheiat un parteneriat strategic pentru digitalizarea interacțiunii dintre clienți și companii prin integrarea, în platforma de digital onboarding TORP, a fluxului de identificare și a semnăturii electronice calificate la distanță. 

TORP este prima soluție din România care a implementat un flux de identificare video asistată a clientului la distanță – eKYC (Electronic Know Your Customer), proces auditat și certificat de compania LSTI din Franța în contextul emiterii certificatelor calificate. În acest fel, este garantată respectarea reglementărilor naționale şi a legislației europene privind identificarea electronică și a serviciilor de încredere pentru tranzacțiile electronice.

Identificarea utilizatorului se face prin intermediul unui flux video în timp real, cu același nivel de securitate tehnică și conformitate legală ca recunoașterea față în față, în acord cu toate directivele globale: AML5 (Anti-Money Laundering), GDPR, SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) și Regulamentul eIDAS 910/2014.

TORP integrează soluția de semnătură electronică la distanță Paperless, dezvoltată de CertSIGN. Prin aceasta, utilizatorii identificați video au acces digital 100% la procesele de afaceri dintr-o organizație. Paperless este auditată și certificată ca dispozitiv de creare a semnăturilor electronice calificat, conform Regulamentului eIDAS. În acest fel, se pot realiza semnături electronice la distanță cu valoare legală fără token și fără instalarea unor drivere speciale, de pe orice dispozitiv, de oriunde şi oricând, garantând procesarea și stocarea sigură a datelor şi un grad ridicat de protecție împotriva atacurilor cibernetice.

Parteneriatul dintre Tremend și certSIGN propune un ecosistem care rezolvă și asigură conformitatea cu legislația națională și europeană în ceea ce privește identificarea electronică și serviciile de încredere. Totodată, contribuie major la digitalizarea completă a tuturor proceselor dintr-o companie prin eliminarea metodelor convenționale de identificare, autentificare și semnare a documentelor.

Astfel, nu mai este necesară deplasarea în spațiile fizice ale furnizorului pentru încheierea de contracte, aprobarea unor proceduri interne, a cererilor de concediu sau pentru solicitarea altor produse ori servicii digitale. Întregul flux este în conformitate cu Regulamentul eIDAS, ceea ce înseamnă că respectă reglementarea Uniunii Europene referitoare la identificare electronică şi servicii de încredere pentru tranzacţii electronice.

“Expertiza extinsă în tehnologie a echipei Tremend, combinată cu maturitatea și siguranța serviciilor certSIGN, ne întărește rolul de inovator în transformarea digitală, atât de necesară oricărui client. Împreună vom oferi companiilor cea mai bună experiență în digital onboarding, printr-o soluție sigură, modulară și flexibilă de Customer Experience, care va sprijini organizațiile să atragă clientul modern, să îl cunoască mai bine, să-i ofere mobilitate, rapiditate și economie de timp în solicitarea și gestionarea serviciilor și produselor digitale”, declară Ștefan Pătra, Vice President Financial Services, Tremend Software Consulting.

Aurel Meiroșu, Manager dezvoltarea afacerii, Business Unit Semnătură electronică, certSIGN, precizează: “Digitalizarea este din ce în ce mai prezentă în toate domeniile, iar adoptarea unei soluții de semnătură electronică la distanță face tranziția către digital mai facilă cu costuri mai mici, eficiență crescută și posibilitatea de a semna documente electronice cu valoare legală oricând, oriunde, de pe orice dispozitiv. Ne bucură parteneriatul cu Tremend la care, pe lângă o soluție tehnică certificată și recunoscută la nivel european, certSIGN contribuie cu experiența demonstrată în digitalizarea proceselor cheie ale unei organizații, precum și cu o echipă de specialiști pregătită tot timpul să asigure cea mai bună soluție tehnică și conformitatea acesteia cu cerințele legale.”

Despre Tremend

Tremend are 14 ani de experiență în furnizarea de servicii de software engineering și consultanță și a implementat peste 700 de proiecte de anvergură pentru companii de top din sectoare precum telecom, finanțe, bănci, auto și servicii medicale. Compania folosește ultimele tehnologii ale momentului, de la AI și Machine Learning, la IoT și Microservicii. Tremend a fost inclusă, de două ori consecutiv, în Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe, clasamentul celor mai dinamice companii de tehnologie din regiune și de patru ori consecutiv în FT1000 – Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies. Compania de consultanță și dezvoltare de software are două sedii în România, în București și în Brașov și un birou în Atlanta, USA. 

Mai multe informații sunt disponibile pe

Contact presă Tremend

Claudia Popa

Senior Marketing Specialist

Despre CertSIGN

certSIGN, principalul producător și dezvoltator de soluții criptografice și servicii de încredere din România, furnizează servicii de încredere în conformitate cu cerințele Regulamentului eIDAS. Soluțiile sale sunt dezvoltate integral în România și proiectate special pentru necesitățile specifice mediului de business și pentru facilitarea relațiilor cu instituțiile publice. certSIGN are proiecte în domeniul identității digitale, a semnăturilor electronice și securității cibernetice în peste 20 de țări. Soluția Paperless a certSIGN, pentru semnătură electronică la distanță, este certificată la nivelul Uniunii Europene ca fiind dispozitiv de creare a semnăturilor electronice calificat (QSCD).

Contact presă certSIGN

Irina Grecu

Manager Comunicare

Aurel Meiroșu – Director dezvoltare afaceri, certSIGN

Ștefan Pătra – Vicepreședinte Financial Services, Tremend


WITSA Calls for a Sensible Approach to Regaining Trust on the Internet

March 27, 2020

Fairfax, VA: The World Information Technology and Services (WITSA), today published a statement of policy entitled “Tech Industry and the Avoidance of ‘Techlash’: A Sensible Approach to Regaining Trust on the Internet.” The paper addresses the growing animus toward “Big Tech” companies and generalized opposition to technological innovation that is threatening Industry development and economic growth, calling it deeply problematic for future progress, prosperity, and competitiveness. The paper debunks the main misconceptions that are associated with this “techlash” and identifies several recommended actions and policy principles which WITSA believes can rekindle faith and trust in the technology industry for the betterment and delivery of the promise of the digital Age where everyone on earth benefits from the use of information and communications technology (ICT).
The paper addresses several important subjects, including anti-trust and competition concerns, privacy concerns, disinformation and election integrity. The paper argues that while politicians around the world are increasingly calling on regulators to break up the largest Internet companies, break-up cases are by far the most difficult type of antitrust action and should be avoided whenever possible. Before governments initiate a time-consuming and costly trust-busting crusade, they should begin with a competition policy agenda that delivers immediate, tangible results. Broader antitrust questions, if they are to be addressed, require a collaborative international effort.
The paper also takes issue with critics that equate big tech with “surveillance capitalism,” the idea that pervasive data collection such as tracking on websites, is eroding all privacy online. However, building and maintaining trust and confidence between all users of the Internet is one of the fundamental building blocks of the Digital Age and all stakeholders have a role to play in building this trust ecosystem. To that end, WITSA advocates a principled approach, which recognizes information privacy as a fundamental human right, and seeks to balance this in context with equally important policy objectives of national security and data protection while maintaining the economic and social capability of digital information.
The paper acknowledges that, in the digital era, false content has been amplified through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, TikTok and YouTube by fearmongers, Internet trolls and election-meddlers to widen social fissures, undermine democracy and strengthen authoritarian regimes by spreading content that intends to deceive, mislead or manipulate. However, rather than rushing to create a new framework for regulating speech online, and risk inadvertently harming legitimate speech or reducing the effectiveness of industry’s takedown mechanisms, the paper calls on policymakers to work with the private sector to improve such mechanisms, while ensuring platforms have moderation policies that protect free speech.
“Over the past few decades, innovation in ICT has brought about untold benefits and transformed millions of lives in amazing ways,”, stated WITSA’s Secretary General Dr. Jim Poisant. “Going forward, policymakers should understand that most people see technology as an essential and valuable part of their lives, and that they seek and desire new innovations and improvements—but that where there are challenges and issues, government acts in a limited and responsible manner to deal with the problems at hand in a manner which cause the least possible harm to competitiveness, innovation, or consumer welfare. Industry stands ready to work with governments everywhere,” continued Dr. Poisant.
The full statement can be found on the WITSA web site at the following link:

About WITSA:
The World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the leading recognized international voice of the global ICT industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world ICT market. WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in ICT products and services; strengthening WITSA’s national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.
WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the ICT industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members — ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States — to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues. For more information on WITSA, please visit


2019 Network Readiness Report (NRI)

December 18, 2019

Contact: Florin Vrejoiu, M: 004 0744 354 085, E:

New Network Readiness Index Report Reveals Most Future-Ready Societies

Fairfax, VA:  The World Information Technology and Services applauds today’s publication of the 2019 Network Readiness Index (NRI) report, ranking the network readiness of 121 economies based on their performance across 62 variables. Initially launched in 2002 by the World Economic Forum, the NRI has been redesigned in 2019 to reflect how technology and people need to be integrated within an effective governance structure in order to have the right impact on our economy, society and the environment.

Recognizing the pervasiveness of digital technologies in today’s networked world, the Index is grounded in four fundamental dimensions: Technology, People, Governance and Impact. This holistic approach means that the NRI covers issues ranging from future technologies such as artificial intelligence and Internet of Things (IoT) to the role of the digital economy in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The 2019 NRI is being released by the Portulans Institute, a Washington D.C. based technology and innovation think tank, in collaboration with WITSA.  “WITSA sincerely appreciates being selected as a 2019 NRI, Knowledge Partner.  We consider this report to be critical for Global ICT development,” said WITSA Chairman Yvonne Chiu.

According to 2019 NRI, the three countries most likely to reap the benefits of the digital future are Sweden, Singapore, and the Netherlands. The study also reveals that the United States and other Northern and Western European countries are among the world’s most future-ready societies because of their success in combining technological opportunities and human wellbeing. However, other regions do not fare as well. One concern that arises from the continued investment by high-income countries in their technology infrastructure is the persistence of a technological divide at the global level.

Europe, however, dominates the NRI rankings, with eight countries in the top 10. In addition to the high-ranked performances of Sweden and the Netherlands, other countries also come up with excellent results. Switzerland, ranked 5th globally, is ranked high (2nd) in the Impact pillar, primarily as a result of its high scores in the Economy (3rd) and SDG Contribution (2nd) sub-pillars. Switzerland is also impressive when it comes to the Technology (3rd) pillar, where it enjoys superior levels of Access (4th), Content (3rd) and Future Technologies (7th). Denmark, ranked 6th globally, is one of the top 5 countries in all three sub-pillars of the People pillar: Individuals (5th), Businesses (2nd) and Governments (3rd). Finland ranks in the top 10 in each of the four pillars. Its highest placement is in the Technology and People (5th in both) pillars. Germany finds itself in the top 10 in three pillars: Technology (10th), People (10th) and Impact (8th). Its strong performance with respect to the Impact pillar is primarily due to its positive SDG Contribution (6th) and outcomes in the Economy (7th) sub-pillar.

The report also warns that the positive impact of technologies will not be achieved unless we are able to set up effective governance mechanisms to integrate technology with the three key stakeholder groups – individuals, businesses, and governments. The report also found clear evidence that technological innovation can be a powerful tool to achieve the SDGs.

Given the strong performance and growth of the ICT sector, WITSA believes that it is imperative that nations do all they can to help ensure the ICT sector is thriving in their respective countries. To do this, there must be a comprehensive ICT infrastructure in place, governments must embrace the power of ICT to transform the delivery of public services, entrepreneurship should be encouraged and supported, and there has to be a strong focus on equipping the next generation with the necessary ICT skills. It is clear those industries harnessing ICT effectively tend to achieve much higher growth rates than those which do not.

ICT matters not just because of its economic impact, but also because of the way it enables positive social and cultural change. ICT can help to break down social barriers between nations and significantly within nations. It is clear that ICT is not only central to tackling the challenges of today; it should also be seen as a critical instrument to help tackle the challenges of tomorrow. For the future prosperity of all economies across the world, it is therefore essential that the digital opportunity is seized.

“As the evolution of the Digital Age unfolds, it is imperative that the requirements to derive maximum benefit from ICT be clearly understood and benchmarked for nations to measure progress”, stated WITSA Secretary General Dr. Jim Poisant.  “The NRI report serves as a beacon that illuminates the path to success in this new Age.”

“Digital Technology is reshaping the global economy and producing an improved growth model”, said WITSA Deputy Chairman Mr. Yannis Sirros. “It is critical that all nations fully engage and adapt to the evolving Digital Age in order to take advantage of all of its benefits. In order for this new age to create maximum global benefit it must be applied everywhere”, continued Mr. Sirros. “The Networked Readiness Index report provides an excellent, comprehensive view of what is required by nations to fully realize the benefit of ICT for their societies. As WITSA’s longest standing director, I am very proud of WITSA for being selected as a Knowledge Partner of this impactful report.”

 Starting on December 18th, the 2019 NRI complete report can be downloaded here, the Executive Summary here, or you can choose to navigate it at  The NRI December 18th global launch is hosted by Portulans Institute and WITSA at the Global Governance Centre at the Graduate Institute Geneva.

 About ATIC:

The Association for Information Technology and Communications of Romania organizes and promotes the information exchange, collaboration and cooperation between its members, establishing as a fundamental principle the support of science practice in this field, honoring the creativity, respecting the law, in a wide exchange of opinions for the utilization with maximum efficiency and professionalism of the new scientific novelties.

The Association for Information Technology and Communications of Romania deems itself as active part of the Romanian civil society, sensing to participate in the name of its members in the elaboration process as well as the public debate of the strategic orientations, lawmaking initiatives, written and audio-visual communication regarding the development of the IT&C field in Romania.

 About WITSA:

The World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the leading recognized international voice of the global ICT industry, whose members from over 80 countries and economies represent more than 90 percent of the world ICT market. WITSA’s vision is “Fulfilling the Promise of the Digital Age.” When everyone on earth has access and is benefiting from ICT, WITSA’s vision will be realized. WITSA is dedicated to advocating policies that advance industry growth and development; facilitating international trade and investment in ICT products and services; strengthening WITSA’s national industry associations; and providing members with a broad network of professional contacts.

WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. Because the challenges facing the ICT industry are undisputedly global in nature, WITSA members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. WITSA makes it possible for its members — ranging from Mongolia and Argentina to Kenya and the United States — to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues. For more information on WITSA, please visit


Succes de marca al IT-ului romanesc in America

ATIC, 23 Septembrie 2019

Delegatia Romaniei la evenimentul expozitional MES 2019, participanta sub brand-ul sectorial „romaniaIT” a obtinut premiul „Best International Vendor”, distinctie acordata prin votul potentialilor clienti.

Evenimentul Midsize Enterprise Summit Fall (MES 2019), se organizeaza itinerant pe coasta de vest a Americii, anul acesta locatia fiind Phoenix, Arizona in perioada 15-17 Septembrie.

Delegatia Romaniei a fost compusa din firmele ASSIST Software, Bitdefender, Cexina Soft, EIDERP, Euro-Testing Software Solutions, Gemini Solutions, Holisun,, LASTING Software, Omniconvert, Producton, Softescu, Tara Com Divers, TypingDNA si Vitality Media.

Acestea au expus sub pavilion national, solutii de securitate cibernetica, aplicatii mobile, solutii enterprise, tehnologii blockchain, realitate virtuala, solutii pentru domeniul bancar s.a.

Participarea firmelor Romanesti a fost organizata cu finantare partiala de la bugentul de stat in cadrul programului de promovare a exportului, program derulat de MMACA

Participarea firmelor românesti la targul din Statele Unite ale Americii a fost organizata de Ministerul pentru Mediul de Afaceri, Comert si Antreprenoriat, în parteneriat cu Asociatia pentru Tehnologia Informatiei si Comunicatii din România (ATIC) prin intermediul Programului de sustinere si promovare a exportului cu finantare partiala de la bugetul de stat

Despre MES:

Evenimentul Midsize Enterprise Summit Fall (, se organizeaza itinerant pe coasta de vest a Americii, anul acesta locatia fiind Phoenix, Arizona in perioada 15-17 Septembrie.

Despre ATIC:

Asociatia pentru Tehnologia Informatiei si Comunicatii din Romania este prima asociatie a sectorului IT&C din Romania, este reprezentantul Romaniei in cadrul asociatiei mondiale de IT WITSA (, al asociatiei europene CEPIS ( si deruleaza programul ECDL in Romania.

ATIC reprezinta atat sectorul business cat si cel stiintific al domeniului IT&C din Romania si numara in randurile sale atat companiile reprezentative in domeniu, precum si personalitati stiintifice ale mediului universitar sau al cercetarii.


Misiune economică de promovare a produselor româneşti din domeniul IT&C în Statul Kuweit

Ministerul pentru Mediul de Afaceri, Comerţ şi Antreprenoriat, în parteneriat cu Asociaţia pentru Tehnologia Informaţiei şi Comunicaţii – ATIC, a organizat, în perioada 16-19 aprilie a.c., o misiune economică de promovare a produselor româneşti din domeniul IT&C în Statul Kuweit. Reprezentanţii firmelor româneşti de IT&C participante la misiune au fost însoţiţi de vicepreşedintele executiv al ATIC şi reprezentanţi ai Ministerului pentru Mediul de Afaceri, Comerţ şi Antreprenoriat.

Delegaţia română a prezentat reprezentaților Camerei de Comerț și Industrie din Statul Kuweit (CCIK) produsele şi serviciile oferite, discuțiile fiind continuate în cadrul întânirilor B2B cu firme din domeniul tehnologiei informației. Reprezentanţii CCIK au evidenţiat oportunitățile pe care firmele de profil din România le au pentru a participa la implementarea proiectelor din cadrul Viziunii „New Kuweit 2035”.

Programul misiunii a continuat la Ministerul Lucrărilor Publice, entitate care are în responsabilitate proiecte guvernamentale ale Statului Kuweit, unde prezentările susţinute de companiile din România au condus la discuţii cu oficiali ai ministerului kuweitian privind direcții concrete de acțiune pentru implementarea produselor de IT&C.

Agenda misiunii românești în Statul Kuweit s-a încheiat la Central Agency for Information Technology (CAIT), instituția care gestionează proiectele instituțiilor de stat kuweitiene aferente sectorului IT&C. Directorul general CAIT, Qusai Al Shatti, a vorbit despre imaginea pozitivă a sectorului IT&C la nivel mondial, evidenţiind potenţialul colaborării între entitățile românești prezente la întâlnire şi instituții de stat care derulează proiecte în domeniu. În acest context, Qusai Al Shatti și-a manifestat disponibilitatea ca, în toamna acestui an, să organizeze un eveniment la care să fie prezenți atât reprezentanți ai ministerelor kuweitiene, cât și societăți de profil din România, pentru identificarea celor mai bune soluții de cooperare în domeniul IT&C.

Pe întreaga durată a misiunii economice în Statul Kuweit, delegația română a fost însoțită de ambasadorul României în Statul Kuweit, E.S. Daniel Tănase și de consilierul economic, Dragoș Robu.

Firmele româneşti participante la misiune au fost: 4 E Software, BitDefender, GreenSoft, Imprezzio Global,, Kuantero, Next Planet, Online Services, Q-East Software, Tellence, TGS Software.

Misiunea economică se desfăşoară în cadrul Programului de susţinere şi promovare a exportului cu finanţare parţială de la bugetul de stat, pentru creşterea vizibilităţii firmelor românești de IT&C, în scopul promovării cooperării României cu Statul Kuweit într-unul dintre domeniile unde țara noastră este competitivă.

Biroul de Presă al Ministerului pentru

Mediul de Afaceri, Comerț și Antreprenoriat


Misiune economică în Qatar

Ministerul pentru Mediul de Afaceri, Comerţ şi Antreprenoriat, în parteneriat cu Asociaţia pentru Tehnologia Informaţiei şi Comunicaţii – ATIC, a organizat, în perioada 15-16 aprilie a.c., o misiune economică de promovare a produselor româneşti din domeniul IT&C în Statul Qatar. 

Din delegaţia română, alături de vicepreşedintele executiv al ATIC şi reprezentanţi ai Ministerului pentru Mediul de Afaceri, Comerţ şi Antreprenoriat, fac parte reprezentanţi ai unsprezece firme româneşti de IT&C, membre ale ATIC: 4 E Software, BitDefender, GreenSoft, Imprezzio Global,, Kuantero, Next Planet, Online Services, Q-East Software, Tellence, TGS Software.

Delegaţia română a participat la Forumul de afaceri organizat de Ministerul Transporturilor şi Comunicaţiilor (MOTC), alături de reprezentanți ai firmelor de profil care implementează programul naţional Smart Qatar (TASMU), platformă pentru realizarea unei economii digitale şi a unui viitor inteligent, în acord cu „Viziunea Naţională a Qatarului 2030”. Specialiştii români au prezentat participanţilor la forum produsele şi serviciile oferite de firmele reprezentate, discuţiile continuând apoi în cadrul întânirilor B2B cu firme din domeniul tehnologiei informației.

La eveniment au participat ambasadorul României la Doha, E.S. Cristian Tudor şi vicepreşedintele ATIC, Florin Vrejoiu, precum şi subsecretarul de stat pentru sectorul guvernamental al tehnologiei informaţiei din MOTC, Hassan Jassim Al-Sayed.

Agenda misiunii româneşti la Doha a continuat cu participarea la Formul de afaceri organizat de cea mai mare firmă de IT&C din Qatar, compania Maalumatyiah, alături de reprezentanţi din cadrul a cca. 20 de filiale din diferite subdomenii.

Misiunea economică de la Doha se desfăşoară în cadrul Programului de susţinere şi promovare a exportului cu finanţare parţială de la bugetul de stat, pentru creşterea vizibilităţii firmelor româneşti de IT&C, în scopul promovării cooperării României cu Statul Qatar într-unul din domeniile unde ţara noastră este competitivă.

Biroul de presă al Ministerului

pentru Mediul de Afaceri, Comerţ şi Antreprenoriat
